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  1. LindsayDarling

    Seemingly healthy hen suddendy died.

    I seen my Mabel girl this afternoon laying an egg. I went out to the coop this dusk to check on my flock n she was in the same spot dead. Any tips on what to look for? I don't see any marks on her body or mites or lice. She was eating and acting pretty normal, it's just getting hot here so she...
  2. LindsayDarling

    Is this debris on tailfeather lice or mite related?

    Hey yall! I've dealt with de-pluming mites in the past so I'm always on guard for those- I noticed one of my roos tailfeathers is getting sparse. He has been fighting my other roo alot since we moved to a new property n there's been a big change. I see alot of new feather growth, however on...
  3. LindsayDarling

    Is this Bumblefoot?

    I noticed my Rhonda girl was limping. Not sure if this is Bumblefoot or something else. I gave her an Epsom salt soak for 15 mins. Want to k kw what it is so I can treat my poor girl🙏 Thank you! Both of her feet have it, one worse 🥺 She is still eating, drinking, laying, acting normal.
  4. LindsayDarling

    Is this a tapeworm? Gross picture- caution!

    Found this in some poop. Trying to diagnose so I can get my flock the right de-wormer. I have fenbendazole and Valbazan, but I don't think they're effective for tapeworms.
  5. LindsayDarling

    This came out of one of my chickens! parasite or did they eat this ? Heads up its gross.

    Found this in some poop. I've never seen a parasite like this, I'm a newb still. Wondering if they ate this? We just moved to a new area n they've been free ranging.
  6. LindsayDarling

    Lost my favorite girl last night. 1st time losing a chicken. Does it get easier😭

    My silkie girl doesn't always make it in the coop before the automatic door closes. I check religiously every night to make sure she's in. I was sick in bed and did a half ass check that she wasn't on the ramp like usual. I'm not sure what happened. She is gone. No feathers or body. I am...
  7. LindsayDarling

    Has anyone moved across country with their flock? I need tips and advice!

    Hi everyone! We are selling our home in Northern CA. N moving to Arkansas where my husband is from. We have 14 chickens. My plan is to divide them into 2 large dog kennels and put them in my mini van to drive with me. I'll have all the seats out. Any tips or advice? Anything I can give them to...
  8. LindsayDarling

    Are these worms in my chickens poop?

    Are these worms? Half my flock are molting what should I use to de-worm? I have fenbendazole but It's my understanding it's not to be used during molt. Thank you!
  9. LindsayDarling

    My roosters isnt able to crow properly, he is struggling☹️

    My rooster is about 19 months old. His crow has been struggling and now he isnt crowing for about 2 days. He is eating fine and acting pretty normal other than a shift in flock dynamics. It seems his position as alpha may hv been taken by my other roo. He is also molting. Would these factor in...
  10. LindsayDarling

    Is my rooster molting?

    Ive had my flock for 8 mos. Still a newb. I noticed my roo has lost his long tail feathers, but has some growth coming in- all over. His mane ( is that what its called?) Looks really thin right now also. Ive treated repeatedly for depluming mites. Ive got them all healthy through blood sweat and...
  11. LindsayDarling

    Can humans get roundworms from Chickens? I have roundworms😱

    Not from eating a chickens eggs who has roundworms- But from picking up worm eggs in soil somehow? I treated my flock for roundworms( i seen in poo and id'd them) in the summer. I now have roundworms? 😳🫨
  12. LindsayDarling

    Spraying off chicken poop perpetuating worm cycle?

    I just de wormed for round worms. I clean the poop out of their coop daily since de worming. My chickens have 2 free range areas; to get from one to the other they hv to walk through our main entryway to get to their other free range spot. Sooo poop! I spray the poop off w a hose into our...
  13. LindsayDarling

    Why are my roos chasing a hen away?

    I inhereited a flock w 2 roos n 10 hens. It works great, Im not gonna get rid of a roo. My question is they both chase off a hen, my silkie. They arent violent or overly aggressive. She doesnt seem to belong to either of them. She isnt sick. Any thoughts? She is the sweetest hen, a loner most...
  14. LindsayDarling

    Treated for roundworm, now suspecting gapeworm? Pls help this stressed newb. Vid incd.

    HI yall. I am needy and stressed!. Ive been on here way too much😪 I was just an animal lover wanting to save some chickens frm dying on a snowy mtn. N boy hv I been put thru the ringer! Theyve had depluming mites and roundworm, scaley leg. I thought my silkie had sour crop but I thnk it was frm...
  15. LindsayDarling

    Is this a healthy rooster comb? Pics incld.

    He got in a fight w another rooster n had some scabs a while back. Why are the ends dark? Im a newbie n Ive dealt w so many issues w the flock already. I hope hes good🙏
  16. LindsayDarling

    Can I use Ivermectin for depluming mites while treating roundworms with fenbendazole at the same time?

    I just dosed my flock w 1st round of fenbendazole for roundworms. I bathed the hens that had dirty vents frm the worms. I noticed some still had depluming mites when they were wet. I mean I believe so because several other hens have feather growth and no redness except these🙁 ( i treated 2...
  17. LindsayDarling

    Need help diagnosing Impacted crop

    Hi yall. My Silkies crop was squishy n large after a full days earting last night. I honestly never felt it before. Im trying to break her broodiness so Ive been picking her up more. Anyway this morning it wasnt squishy, but it wasnt a hard golfball, but itbwasnt completely flat 🤪 I felt my...
  18. LindsayDarling

    Will Gable end vents keep out raccoons?

    So My husband was thinking pred proof when he built our coop, but theres very little ventilation now. He is using an exhaust fan with very few vent openings. I know its not enough, but he is doing the Mansplaining thng to me😝 I can put in the gable vents myself. My question is- Are they pred...
  19. LindsayDarling

    Mama is done w chicks, now theyre on their own.

    Hello! I have a mama who is done w her chicks. They seem kinda small still about 5 weeks old. Theyve been in the flock the whole time w mom. But now mama isnt protecting them. One was killed by a feral cat yesterday😥 And the other 2 float around the outskirts of the flock because theyre being...
  20. LindsayDarling

    5 week old chick attacked by feral cat

    A feral cat got one of my chicks😡😢 I was outside n able to stop it. The chick has a big gash under its wing. I cleaned it and put neosporin on it. You can see bone or meat i cant tell 😭 The chick is seperate in its own space in the coop run w food and water. Is there anythng else I can do?
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