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    Coop question for flock additions

    Hi all! We have two one year old silver laced wyandottes and three youngsters (about ten weeks old) that we’ve had in a sectioned off part of our existing pen for about two and a half weeks now to have them side by side our older girls. my husband removed a section for the youngsters to be able...
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    We lost one of our girls tonight..

    Thank you so much, I had no idea they could go without a sign 😞
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    We lost one of our girls tonight..

    she was still very young, not even a full year old yet 😞 about eleven months.. and the most beautiful silver laced wyandotte
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    We lost one of our girls tonight..

    We lost one of our girls tonight 😞😭 nothing out of the ordinary was noticed the past couple days. my husband went out to close up their coop and found her under the deck passed away.. There was no blood or anything so we don’t believe she was attacked by anything or anyone.. I saw her laying...
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    Newbie! silver laced wyandottes

    welp for now I’m going to hold off on rehoming, as far as we were told at adoption time they were females hehe. so WHOOPSIE 😂🙈 and thank you for the warm welcome!!
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    Newbie! silver laced wyandottes

    thank you! so happy to have found my people 🥰
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    Newbie! silver laced wyandottes

    i think that is a great idea!!
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    Newbie! silver laced wyandottes

    thank you Jenbirdee! I’m realllyyyyy hoping i’m wrong but if i’m not i’m wondering if my neighbors will let us just coast on by with this one 🙏🏻
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    Newbie! silver laced wyandottes

    Hi everybody! My name is Ashley and about three months ago we started our backyard flock! we got four pullets (or so we thought) but one of them is looking more like she might actually be a he 🫠 we live in a city that only allows hens if you’re on less than three acres so i’m really worried we...
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