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  1. S

    Quail Murder: Episode 2

    Went out there tonight and the murders are back. Hopefully they take the bait! 🪤 All birds are inside and food is up/in a sealed metal storage bin. One ran up on to the coop roof and jumped though the tree at me, it was scary.
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    Quail Murder: Episode 2

    To be clear (pics in my other post) the coop is hardwire secured, the run is not. They go in the coop at night.
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    Quail Murder: Episode 2

    The snap traps kill them though right? I don't want to handle non dead biting rats.
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    Quail Murder: Episode 2

    Think the quail will mess with this stuff if I put it in the run? The cat is bummed he doesn't get to be part of the process😂
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    Quail Murder: Episode 2

    I'm a DIY er by nature 😂. So we got the little walk in and die traps. I'm going to use the poison and quail food in there. They literally just got here-- yay Amazon overnight! We do have a compost but it's in a raised spinning bin for this reason. They also like to ear my baby corn tops in the...
  6. S

    Quail Murder: Episode 2

    Thank you all for your valuable advice in figuring out what was killing our quail. You were spot on: Roof rats. Since then we fortified the coop with more hardware wire, with no more in coop casualties. We also keep no food on the ground after "bedtime". Bob & Griffin will go on the 2nd floor...
  7. S

    The "Smart Coop" - In search of reviews/opinions

    Two runs attached.....made by the smart coop ppl?
  8. S

    What went wrong? Quail murders

    At night yes!
  9. S

    What went wrong? Quail murders

    Oh it will be, but I have to build that. Got wood for the first wall in the garage to start this weekend hopefully.
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    What went wrong? Quail murders

    No issues last night 🤞
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    What went wrong? Quail murders

    I ended up doing basically that but kind of bent it down around the frame of the coupe. Then cut away the places where the doors were and bent those backwards towards the ground to create a little bubble in that space. That way nothing can get up underneath it. I also leveled and packed down the...
  12. S

    What went wrong? Quail murders

    Should I leave the wire out like that or trim it down and bend it into the coop frame, then secure?
  13. S

    What went wrong? Quail murders

    Step 1 in process
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    What went wrong? Quail murders

    What happens when they have too much fat? #noob
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    What went wrong? Quail murders

    So dig down a trench on the outside and put the wire down right? Then cover it back up so they can't dig in?
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    What went wrong? Quail murders

    I'm honestly glad you could find some humor in it. It was meant to be read that way 😆. Also Kevin was a big fat was just a matter of time. He hid in the garden during my first culling of 10 males. That's how he survived, and hopped back in the run a few days later. The only way I...
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    What went wrong? Quail murders

    Okay how much is too much? Or just not every day?
  18. S

    What went wrong? Quail murders

    Okay! I'll start with the coop because I can do that today😆. When I build the aviary I'll cover the bottom from end to end, but there's a raised garden bed in there too. Will they get up under that?! Should I dig down around it and put a trench with wire around it? And is that needed for around...
  19. S

    What went wrong? Quail murders

    They are black soldier fly larve. Same thing?
  20. S

    What went wrong? Quail murders

    The water dishes are the damn tripod thingies and they would lose a leg, get knocked over, and no more water. Instant death for the birds. This is why we moved them all to this run configuration instead of individual cages. They eat high protein organic quail food from Imagine Farms with egg...
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