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  1. 4

    2 hens-laying same time, same nest box

    Yup, all of my girls will only lay in 1 nesting box, even though we have multiple. If more than one girl needs to lay at the same time, they will all squeeze into that one box.
  2. 4

    Has anyone ever been able to get rid of northern fowl mites?

    UPDATE: We have replaced all the bedding in the coop and run. Our local exotic pet vet prescribed permethrin with instructions to dilute in water to treat the coop every week, and to use the same solution to treat the birds every 2 weeks. We completed our first treatment of both the hens and the...
  3. 4

    Has anyone ever been able to get rid of northern fowl mites?

    We use the eco flake shavings with nesting pads in the nest boxes. The coop is made from cedar wood. I have been useing DE under the bedding since before I had issues with mites, so I’m not sure if it really does anything.
  4. 4

    Has anyone ever been able to get rid of northern fowl mites?

    The Mites are on the chickens 24/7 but on the coop as well. Whenever I hold the chickens, my hands become covered in mites. Whenever I touch the chicken coop, there will also be mites on my hands.
  5. 4

    Has anyone ever been able to get rid of northern fowl mites?

    The mites appear to be on/in the coop and run- whenever I touch the coop my hand comes back crawling with mites.
  6. 4

    Has anyone ever been able to get rid of northern fowl mites?

    The mites seem to be on the coop as well, but don’t resemble any types of mites other than northern fowl
  7. 4

    Has anyone ever been able to get rid of northern fowl mites?

    Would I have to treat the coop twice a week as well?
  8. 4

    Has anyone ever been able to get rid of northern fowl mites?

    I've been struggling with northern fowl mites for some time now. I treated the coop with elector psp a few months back, and washed all the birds in a salt bath. However, the mites returned full strength a few weeks ago and seem to increasing in number very quickly. Anytime I touch the coop...
  9. 4

    Getting Rid of Mites...

    Going to order some Elector PSP- was wondering how to most efficiently treat the coop, advice welcome.
  10. 4

    Getting Rid of Mites...

    I've heard of Elector PSP, and am aware that it's pricey- does the product actually work? How many applications of Elector PSP are necessary to exterminate mites?
  11. 4

    Getting Rid of Mites...

    How should one go about getting rid of fowl mites living in the hen house? Any advice on how to safely, naturally and effectively kill all the mites infesting our birds and chicken coop/run? Would love to hear some success stories/methods for exterminating mites.
  12. 4

    A fun question on naming your chickens.

    We name ours old fashioned names such as Eleanor, Ruby, Claudia, ext.
  13. 4

    Can somebody tell me if this is a female or a male please.

    Most likely a male, judging by the tail feathers.
  14. 4

    Full Grown Hen Harassing Young Pullets

    The hen was separated from the rest of the flock during the night through the morning, as I typically let the girls range all day. However, on days they could not do so I kept the pullers separated in an inclosed area where they could still view the older hens in order to get used to them, which...
  15. 4

    Full Grown Hen Harassing Young Pullets

    She is normally a very sweet bird and at the bottom of the pecking order…I wonder if perhaps she is simply trying to avoid remaining there during the introduction of new birds. I am going to attempt to separate the run so she can be on one side and the pullers on the other until they a large...
  16. 4

    Full Grown Hen Harassing Young Pullets

    The hens met the pullets for a few days with no contact, and were then introduced for a couple of days in a free range environment prior to placing the pullets in the run/coop with no problems. The other hens love the pullets and will flock with them, but the aggressive barred rock lashes out...
  17. 4

    Full Grown Hen Harassing Young Pullets

    I've recently moved my young pullets/chicks from the brooder to the coop with the rest of the big girls. All of the full grown hens are fine except for one 4 year old barred rock who will charge at them and then separate out one of the pullets, whom she will chase for what appears to be...
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