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  1. Lucky Joe

    Gender guess 4 week Barnevelder

    It is kinda hard to tell right now, but right now they look like pullets to me. A healthy chick will still have a pink or red face regardless of sex, but those combs look pretty thin to me. You'll know for sure in a month. Either way, they're beautiful chicks. Good luck.
  2. Lucky Joe

    Barnevelder or Plymouth Rocks???

    I agree! And that is one gorgeous gal. 🙂
  3. Lucky Joe

    Barnevelder or Plymouth Rocks???

    Yeah, I've had similar experience with both. But as they got older all the hens would calm down and let me pick them up without any fuss. But some, not all the Barred Rock roosters were just too aggressive and I only kept the ones with a good temperament. In contrast, I've never had a...
  4. Lucky Joe

    Gender guess 4 week Barnevelder

    You ain't getting no eggs from that one, sorry. 😅
  5. Lucky Joe

    Barnevelder or Plymouth Rocks???

    I've had both and prefer the Barnevelders for their more consistent good temperament. Barred Rock hens layed more eggs, although not a huge amount more, but the roosters were aggressive half the time when collecting eggs.
  6. Lucky Joe

    Barnevelder roosters

    Wow, he's crowing pretty early. He looks good now, give him another few months to fill out some more and he's going to be gorgeous. These guys are very friendly, mine will jump on my lap still when I'm sitting outside.
  7. Lucky Joe

    Baby Rat Growth

    I raised rats as feeders years ago, and realized how smart they were I kept some as pets and trained them to do many different tricks. Had them for a few years and to this day those were my favorite pets. Yours are really nice, good luck.
  8. Lucky Joe

    Barnevelder roosters

    Thanks, I do enjoy them all.
  9. Lucky Joe

    Barnevelder roosters

    Thanks, I looked for the blues for years and Welp hatchery finally started offering them a few years back and I've been working with them since. :)
  10. Lucky Joe

    Barnevelder roosters

    You're right about that, they have a great temperament. And the hens have so far have almost kept pace with my RIR hens with egg laying.
  11. Lucky Joe

    Barnevelder roosters

    Thanks! They were kinda slow to mature, but sure are turning out nice.
  12. Lucky Joe

    Barnevelder roosters

  13. Lucky Joe

    Chickens sneezing and wheezing and some sounding congested

    I just finished the same treatment, I actually mixed 1tbs per gallon of water mixed with 1/2 cup sugar. It's been almost a week since treating and the results have been amazing. Good luck.
  14. Lucky Joe

    Tips needed for adding chicks to main coop

    I usually do the same exact thing as you with the dog crate. Normally for two weeks, before I release them with the others. The pecking order is quickly established and they're fine. However I do let them free range during the day, so that does help. Good luck.
  15. Lucky Joe

    Barnevelders & Welsomers

    They are brown, but nowhere near Maran dark brown.
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