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  1. T

    Ducks attacked by rats - how to clean the wound? (Warning, picture)

    Thank you for this! I have been washing with warm water, and treating with the Vetericyn. I added Neosporin to this last wash after reading this. I dilued .5 tsp of Prairie Pride into two quarts of water and gave it to them and have been feeding them some of their favorite fruit + bird feed...
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    Ducks attacked by rats - how to clean the wound? (Warning, picture)

    It is pretty bad. But they are active and alert, eating and drinking. I just towel washed them with warm water and some dish soap and applied Vetericyn. I tried to bandage it with a human grade burn gauze but they didn't stay on. They have electrolytes and are in a dog crate on the porch. If...
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    Ducks attacked by rats - how to clean the wound? (Warning, picture)

    I was cleaning out the coop this morning and noticed one of my ducks sitting in the corner (the rest were all outside). I picked her up and the skin on her back and all of her feathers was gone. Her sibling (another buff) had the same. Picture is below, warning to those who are squeamish. My...
  4. T

    Found rat poop in chicken feed - how long do we need to refrain from eating eggs?

    I have a flock of 22 chickens, eight ducks, and three guinea fowl. They all eat from a large rain barrel converted into a feeder. I opened the top and it was full of rat poop. I can only assume they've consumed some. I know what to do to prevent this from happening again (will move feeder into...
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    How to "free range" chickens now that bobcat is around?

    I completely missed this, thank you for the suggestions. I've been keeping my chicks in a run but the ducks have been roaming. Today, I got my first duck egg and quickly after lost my first duck. Bobcat came and took our only male right out of his pool.
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    Budget, eight-foot electric fence setup recommendations?

    Hello. We recently lost two of our flock to a bobcat. I'm planning on creating a fenced in area of our backyard with an electric fence so that my girls can still roam. We're going to do what we did with our goats, but eight feet of fence instead of four, and it will be electrified. We are...
  7. T

    How to "free range" chickens now that bobcat is around?

    That's exactly what I'm thinking re: electric. I'll probably do eight feet tall in the "orchard" directly behind the house. I used to volunteer at a wolf sanctuary down here. We were on the other end re: dispatch and relocating. Now that I've been on a farm, I've 'switched sides' to some...
  8. T

    How to "free range" chickens now that bobcat is around?

    I think what I'm looking at is an electric fence with t-posts, the coop on the inside, and then I just need a way of closing the space in from the top (if this helps).
  9. T

    How to "free range" chickens now that bobcat is around?

    I posted a few days ago about two of our girls going missing without a trace (aside from some feathers). We ended up finding my bluebell's feathers in a different spot where we have a camera. A bobcat got both of them. If you look at the back of the picture below, I already have a run setup...
  10. T

    Lost two of my girls in broad daylight yesterday. The other two do NOT want to be kept in an enclosure. What do I do?

    My neighbors actually all have a leg up because they have guard dogs. And some of them do bark all night and some don't. We live in the country. Everyone here has dogs, livestock, and a garden.
  11. T

    Lost two of my girls in broad daylight yesterday. The other two do NOT want to be kept in an enclosure. What do I do?

    Technically we have foxes in Florida (more in North Florida) but I've never seen anyone or spoken with anyone whose seen one or had their flock attacked by one down south here.
  12. T

    Lost two of my girls in broad daylight yesterday. The other two do NOT want to be kept in an enclosure. What do I do?

    I did put in two application for Pyrenees/Retriever mixes this morning.
  13. T

    Lost two of my girls in broad daylight yesterday. The other two do NOT want to be kept in an enclosure. What do I do?

    I'll look into that, thank you! I did give them a huge cup of sunflower seeds this AM (usually reserved for the goats). I will have to focus on some enclosure enrichment for the interim.
  14. T

    Lost two of my girls in broad daylight yesterday. The other two do NOT want to be kept in an enclosure. What do I do?

    They're in the duck run currently, pacing back and forth and looking for a way out (but yes, alive <3). I've got your site up and will look at the netting. I was looking at the game cameras this morning, I thought the same thing. As an interim solution, I think I will fence in the immediate...
  15. T

    Lost two of my girls in broad daylight yesterday. The other two do NOT want to be kept in an enclosure. What do I do?

    I really hope so. I've walked the property about two dozen times since yesterday looking for her.
  16. T

    Lost two of my girls in broad daylight yesterday. The other two do NOT want to be kept in an enclosure. What do I do?

    I'm posting this for advice but also just to lament the loss of my Prairie Bluebell and Production Red. I did not know how absolutely devastated I would be. The red especially (named Red aka the Colonel) was the sweetest bird. She would run up and greet my husband when he got home from work. She...
  17. T

    Received turkey eggs from a neighbor, are these too young to candle yet? First timer. She gave them to me on Sunday. They all look like this.

    Update: she just got back to me and said they're too young and I'll see something after a week :)
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