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  1. SomeChookLover

    Urgent- fox attack, injured hen

    More info: a second hen has been found, she has one big gash on her back but had some water and a bug, currently sleeping in a hutch. The first hen has 3 main injuries on her back and sides, is still quite stressed and with the second hen. All their injuries have been treated with iodine.
  2. SomeChookLover

    Urgent- fox attack, injured hen

    I came home today to find feathers everywhere. One of the hens to survive has a huge chunk taken out of her back and lots of feathers removed. She’s still walking and awake but I’m not sure how to treat her, and going to the vet isn’t an option. Any advice is greatly appreciated, thank you.
  3. SomeChookLover

    Can a gizzard be too full with grit?

    When you feel her crop, does it have any food in it? And is she acting fine in all other regards? I think the best idea to try and remove some of the grit would be water, watery pellets or floating seeds on water, just it try and get some more into her. To see if it’s impacting her food, see if...
  4. SomeChookLover

    Sick chicks, unsure of what to do

    The chicks do have access to crumble, and are in an large shed half of it is fencing and they’re on the dirt. I’ve given them some crumble with water, and the yellow one, are a fair bit but the black chick only ate a few mouthfuls. Their poop seems normal from what I’ve seen. It doesn’t seem...
  5. SomeChookLover

    Sick chicks, unsure of what to do

    Hi all, I have a clutch of four 12 day old chicks, currently being raised by a mumma hen. As of yesterday, two of them became hunched, sleepy, sickly looking and constantly seeking warmth. In a previous batch of chicks, two showed these symptoms and died soon after. The chicks are currently with...
  6. SomeChookLover

    Tic treatment with chicks

    Thanks! I always hear about diatomaceous earth but looks like I finally gotta bite the bullet and get some! I do think the ticks prefer featherless areas so I think it’s possible they might avoid the chicks.
  7. SomeChookLover

    Tic treatment with chicks

    Thanks so much! I’ll definitely be doing that.
  8. SomeChookLover

    Tic treatment with chicks

    For my chooks most of the ticks will be either on the underside of the wing, around the thigh or the crop. I have a feeling the ticks on my chooks are different to what’s in your area so I think you’re safe.
  9. SomeChookLover

    Tic treatment with chicks

    Hi all, not sure if this is the right forum so do tell me if you think this belongs somewhere else. Anyway, my chicken Kucheli has just hatched her first chick earlier today (with potentially 4 more on the way.) The issue is I’ve recently found out she, and the rest of my flock have tics...
  10. SomeChookLover

    Sick chick, lethargic, not eating or drinking.

    She started doing better after drinking and warming up but she wasn’t able to eat much. I put her under Kiki for the night but this morning when I went to check on her she'd taken a turn for the worst. She was out of the nesting box next to the feeder but lying on her side not moving. I picked...
  11. SomeChookLover

    Sick chick, lethargic, not eating or drinking.

    Never sure how to start these so I’ll get straight to the point. I came home today to find the smallest of my 17 day old chicks alone on the ground. I’ve been away for 2 days so I’m not sure how long she was there. It’s dusk so the rest had jumped into the nesting box with Kiki (their mum.) She...
  12. SomeChookLover

    Mystery illness - listlessness, disinterest in drinking, and more. This is our 2nd round of this: first was resolved through supportive care.

    Very sorry your hen is unwell, I’m glad to see how well you handled it. You mentioned a possible brain injury, and I don’t think that’s completely off the table. One of my hens got quite serious brain damage despite having no outside injury ( I was there to witness it which is why I know.) Rhode...
  13. SomeChookLover

    Hey! I'm new here

    Welcome to BYC!! Glad to have you here! You truely have some wonderful chooks!!
  14. SomeChookLover

    Rooster chases hens every morning!

    While it is unfortunate, younger roosters do tend to be a bit wild. There’s not really much you can do, but usually the rooster will calm down once he realises being nice is much easier. A few of my roosters still occasionally chase the hens, but it definitely happened a lot more in the past. As...
  15. SomeChookLover


    I’m so sorry to hear that you’re hen passed. She sounded like such a wonderful chook. I’m sure you gave her a great life. Chickens always bring so much joy, it’s truely awful when they have to leave. I’m glad you have some memories and photos of her.I hope you’re coping ok.
  16. SomeChookLover

    Hello brother's and sisters

    Welcome to BYC from Australia! New chickens are always exciting. I’d love to see some photos once they arrive!
  17. SomeChookLover


    Thanks! Dealing with sick chickens is always distressing, I hope you’re coping ok. If she’s a leghorn while it’s less likely, she could definitely still have a brain injury (unfortunately it’s unlikely she’d recover if this is the case.) One thing is that if she wasn’t laying (probably old age...
  18. SomeChookLover


    Do you know what breed she is? And more importantly is she a polish or silkie or some other breed with a large tuft of feathers on her head? They’re much more likely to have vaulted skulls (a hole in their skull) so can very easily get brain damage. I have a chook with brain damage who has...
  19. SomeChookLover

    New here, um, ya

    Welcome to BYC! Great to have you here! Getting chickens for the first time is always a challenge, feel free to ask any questions!
  20. SomeChookLover

    I’ve seen my chook preening other chickens

    This isn’t particularly urgent, more of a mild curiosity I’ve had after seeing my oldest hen, Duck (don’t worry about the name) preening two other hens. I know chickens like to preen in groups, but I’ve never seen a chicken preening another chook. Duck is currently at the top of the hen pecking...
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