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  1. Alderen

    Comment by 'Alderen' in article 'I’ll build you whatever you want, honey.” ...and here is what I wanted...'

    Fantastic coop and run. I wonder how long it takes our husbands to regret the words "Whatever you want dear"? I'm sure my husband regrets those words almost immediately, however, he keeps saying them.
  2. Alderen

    Poll: How was your coop built?

    Convinced my hubby that it was his idea to build me a new chicken coop. Worked like a charm - LOL.
  3. Alderen

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    I'm so old I remember life before the internet, cell phones, and microwave ovens. I remember dial-up...OMG dial-up. ("Get off the computer I need to make a phone call")
  4. Alderen

    Reply to review by 'Alderen' on item 'Sunbeam Heating Pad (No auto shut off)'

    We did the exact same thing when we got our chicks. We originally purchased a heat light but it got way too hot. My husband found the instructions for making a Heating Pad Mama. The article he read actually suggested using a flannel-lined plastic tablecloth. I had an old one that I cut down...
  5. Alderen

    Pig grate entry good idea? Or asking for trouble?

    Such a clever idea. Don't know that I would have thought of that. I've been learning so much from everyone here - not just about chickens but about all kinds of animals and problem-solving. Great job.
  6. Alderen

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Our 6 chickens have a 3-day pattern. It's 4 eggs 1st day, 4 eggs 2nd day, 6 eggs 3rd day, then repeat. Today was a "2nd day" so 4 eggs today.
  7. Alderen

    Where to keep their food and water

    We keep our food and water in the run. Our run is covered with metal with a large overhang on all sides so hanging the food in the middle keeps it dry. We'd have to have extreme weather for it to get wet. I don't put water in my coop because no matter what I try our chickens knock it over...
  8. Alderen

    Comment by 'Alderen' in article 'Top 10 Ways To Save On Feed Costs'

    We only have 6 chickens so we don't buy large amounts of food at a time. Usually no more than 2 - 50 lb. bags. We store our feed in their bags inside metal trash cans that are located in the storage cabinet under the nesting boxes. So far this has worked for us. It also helps that our cats...
  9. Alderen

    Comment by 'Alderen' in article 'Top 10 Ways To Save On Feed Costs'

    That's a great idea. I was nervous about free-ranging my chickens due to hawks. There's really no good wooded area to free-range them in so they would be "out in the open". This is a fantastic idea that I'll be using.
  10. Alderen

    Using Shredded Paper for Coop Litter - As Good As Wood Chips?

    Exactly. I just didn't have the heart to tell hubby he cut it wrong. He'd been working so hard. If it gets to be too big of a problem, I guess we could add a piece to the bottom and enlarge the door on the top.
  11. Alderen

    Official BYC Poll: Which type of waterers do you like best and why?

    Our girls love the cups. I put in 5 so there would be plenty of room for everyone to drink, although it seems they all like drinking from the same one. I really tried to get our chickens to like the nipples - they seemed like they would be a little cleaner, but they never liked them. The cups...
  12. Alderen

    Using Shredded Paper for Coop Litter - As Good As Wood Chips?

    I originally planned to have the pop door in our coop elevated because I like/want to do deep litter. I wasn't present when my hubby cut the spot for the door. Does anyone want to guess what he forgot to do???? LOL It is what it is so we just roll with it. A little pine shavings and shredded...
  13. Alderen

    Bullying and pecking - need help and advice - I'm desperate

    A lack of space was the original problem. Now that the new coop/run is finished, our 6 chickens do have about 21 square feet of run space and 6 square feet of coop space each. Reading everyone's comments, to me it's obvious that I probably handled the situation incorrectly, hindsight and...
  14. Alderen

    Bullying and pecking - need help and advice - I'm desperate

    Thank you so much for all the information you've given me. I can see now where I made mistakes and I can learn and move forward with a LOT more knowledge. I think someone on here said that with chickens there's definitely a learning curve. I totally agree with that statement. I'll be adding...
  15. Alderen

    Using Shredded Paper for Coop Litter - As Good As Wood Chips?

    I hate for my shredded paper to end up in the landfill. I mixed my shredded paper with pine shavings. My coop is covered and stays nice and dry. So far no matted, stinky mess. I do take a rake or pitchfork and turn everything once in a while to kind of check the paper - just to see how it's...
  16. Alderen

    Bullying and pecking - need help and advice - I'm desperate

    I'm still really new to all of this and have never had to reintegrate any chicks into a flock. The only reason I did separate the 2 was from what I had read online (before I found BYC) you should separate the injured chick so the others wouldn't hurt it more. I know that chickens are social...
  17. Alderen

    Silly hen not roosting

    You may have gotten this sorted out by now but I thought I'd share. I have a friend whose flock started out roosting on the floor. She had a nice big walk-in coop with roosting bars in one corner. When her chicks were younger - probably until they really started to lay (around 5-6 months)...
  18. Alderen

    Bullying and pecking - need help and advice - I'm desperate

    Thanks for the advice. I really don't want to give up on them. I know that chickens are smart and stubborn. I'm hoping they are still young enough that I can redirect and reestablish good behavior (maybe I'm delusional though - lol). I'll be moving the bullies into a separate area today. I...
  19. Alderen

    Bullying and pecking - need help and advice - I'm desperate

    I'm desperate and need any/all advice. I need to give a little back story and I'll include pictures when I can. At the end of April 2023, we purchased 6 chicks from a local feed store. 2 Starlight Green Eggers ( SGE - 2 weeks old), 2 Black Australorps (BA - 1 week old), 1 Barred Rock (BR - 1...
  20. Alderen

    Comment by 'Alderen' in media 'Howdy Chickens.jpg'

    What type of egg is this?
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