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  1. C

    Wyendotte stopped laying after a surgery

    Hi all! I wanted to ask your opinion about one of my Wyendottes. I wrote about her in another thread, but I will describe what the problem is here. For reference - another thread: link In short: Young hen, 10 months now, had problem with her first egg. We went to vet, they saved her, and...
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    Silkies and Polish hens in a standard flock???

    We started our flock with 4 hens. Then we incubated 4 silkies and 4 wyandottes. Turned out to be 3 silkie roos and 1 wyan roo we could not keep. So we now have 1 silkie girl with 7 big hens. She obviously is lowest in the flock but with several feeders/waterers she is doing fine. Took some time...
  3. C


    I have had three accidental silkie roosters and I live in the city. I have gave them away just after they started crowing. It was not super loud but they were just learning, so not sure how this would look like later. I miss them sometimes coz they were so good looking - one whole white, one...
  4. C

    is this molting?

    that's a thing! I can't see any feathers laying around anywhere. I've seen them eating fluff from nestboxes. They are young. I don't know exact hatch date but they started laying around March this year. And yes, they are fine otherwise. Missing feathers on a belly and butt, but eating and...
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    is this molting?

    Trying to add photos once more:
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    is this molting?

    hi, this is my first autumn with chickens but I have seen one definitely molting. I'm not sure however if these are molting too?
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    Prolapse eggbound no opening

    Hi everyone, quick update. She is fine and has layed two eggs so far, but not i the box and even not in the coop. Both in the muddy run. I've seen her looking for a spot in the coop but then no egg there. I've seen her push out one of those (thanks to the cctv recording) and it was like she was...
  8. C

    A depressed hen?

    Can you provide more info on their environment? size of run, coop? maybe photo?
  9. C

    Gray was naughty

    Hi everyone, I thought I will share the story of last few weeks with you. Grey is leader of our flock. Recently she started to be naughty and pick feathers from others fluffy bottoms. She was so successful in this picking that one of the hens looks like she has forgotten to put underwear on...
  10. C

    Prolapse eggbound no opening

    She is now with the flock. We held her in our living room for few days, then one night in shed so she get used to lower temps. Then moved her with the flock. She is doing great, but still didn't lay an egg so this scares me. This is going to be the ultimate test. Keep your fingers crossed :)
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    Prolapse eggbound no opening

    OK, they told me to come and pick her up tomorrow! Phew!
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    Prolapse eggbound no opening

    Well, she is still at the clinic. They called me 2h before pick up that she got worse. The next day she delivered next egg, but broken. Today they said she stopped eating, so they would like to hold her with them a bit longer. They did not sound concerned 😳 so I hope it will be fine? can...
  13. C

    Rooster in nesting box

    This is very interesting! Can you specify "some breeds"? :)
  14. C

    Winter is here!

    To be honest I'm so done with the winter this year... And it's not even December 😭😭😭
  15. C

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    I'm so old I... wait. why am I even writing this?
  16. C

    Prolapse eggbound no opening

    I started my account week ago with no particular reason. Just because I was reading this forum long enough I felt it's about time I register :) Well, I have some good news. They called me from the clinic and said she is alive and surgery went well. She should be back home tomorrow. I don't...
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    Prolapse eggbound no opening

    Sorry for your loss, but thank you for this thread. I'm in your shoes right now. One of my first time layers vent looked exactly like your Ducky's. We found out about this today, but I think it happened yesterday. We gave her bath and tried to take the egg out, but the shell was already broken...
  18. C

    me and the flock say hello!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Me and my family own chickens since Feb 2023. First it was just 4 hens, then we incubated 8 more, so it was 12. Now we have 8 as we gave out cockrells because we live in town and neighbours would be very unhappy about 4 am wake up...
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