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  1. Georgiachickenkid

    Black Scab on Rooster Wattle

    Hello BYC! I noticed a large, dry, and black spot on my roosters waddle. It seems very similar to a scab from a cut. Frostbite is not a possibility; it has been 39° at the coldest lately. However, he does engage in some pretty rough fights with the other rooster. In the likely event that it’s...
  2. Georgiachickenkid

    Will a Red-tailed hawk attack my flock if I'm standing outside with them?

    Same here. Usually the hawk will circle around the house a few times but it will see me and then leave for the day.
  3. Georgiachickenkid

    Ended 15th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Natural Egg Photo Contest

    Gathered my eggs in my Easter egg basket! 😁
  4. Georgiachickenkid

    Calling all teenagers

    That’s great! I had a 74, got a 56 on a test, but ey I’m still passing with a 71. I get to pass this quarter.
  5. Georgiachickenkid

    Calling all teenagers

    Sup silly geese
  6. Georgiachickenkid


    North Central Georgia Here
  7. Georgiachickenkid

    Boosting A Rooster's Confidence?

    After some hawk attacks, we’re down to 5 girls for these two roosters, but we’re trying to rebuild asap and I have some eggs in the way. We are using somewhat of a bucket feeder, I’ll add an attachment. The Roos are coming up on the year-old mark. Thanks so much for your advice and help.
  8. Georgiachickenkid

    Boosting A Rooster's Confidence?

    Hello BYC! There is a behavioral issue with my two roosters. To put it simple, one rooster is much more authoritative than the other. It started with our three roosters Dom, Jade, and Little Red. Jade was “The Man of the House”, but we culled him after he became increasingly more aggressive to...
  9. Georgiachickenkid

    Plants that my girls can enjoy eating while foraging?

    Hello BYC! As the spring season is tight around the corner, im looking to plant some plants, fruits, and herbs that they can eat while free ranging. Thanks!
  10. Georgiachickenkid

    Chicken Laws in Senoia, Georgia

    Need summary, explain it like I’m 5
  11. Georgiachickenkid

    Rest In Peace Dim-Sum

    The best young chicken I have ever raised. She was a lovebug and super friendly. She will be missed.
  12. Georgiachickenkid

    Can I add whey protein to my chickens feed to help them during their molt?

    Whey protein is pretty cheap, do you guys think I can feed it to my chickens to help them during their winter molt? I am currently feeding them Kalmbach Layer Feed, can I mix whey in there?
  13. Georgiachickenkid

    Tell me about your flock!

    Please include names, breeds, some funny things they do, and add some pictures if you want!
  14. Georgiachickenkid

    Wrapping up in Savannah, happy to be back to my girls and boys soon.

    Wrapping up in Savannah, happy to be back to my girls and boys soon.
  15. Georgiachickenkid

    How to keep chickens happy this winter?

    Thanks for the info!
  16. Georgiachickenkid

    How to keep chickens happy this winter?

    Hello BYC! I would love to hear some of your advice on how to keep my chickens and ducks happy this winter. My coop is in west-central Georgia, and the cold weather is setting in quicker than usual. Is it possible to keep the hens laying during the shorter days as well?
  17. Georgiachickenkid

    Unknown Breed!

    Oh! my apologies.
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