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  1. H

    Ducks Out of Water…

    My ducks have avoided any type of basin that I’ve put in their run, for them to play in. I’ve used smaller and smaller. Put treats in them. Nothing. I thought Ducks love the water??? They’re Swedish Blues.
  2. H

    Weird Quack?

    So, I have two Swedish blues that are 12 weeks old. Once in a while, one of them will make this loud quack; and I’m not sure what they’re trying to tell me. It SOUNDS exactly what you’d think a duck laughing would sound.
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    Hen or Roo

    I bought pullets. But am feeling like this 11 week old Wyandotte is a Roo…. Not sure.
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    11 wk olds, won’t go in run

    I am not sure, I am doing something wrong? I am super new. I posted before, and widened their ramp and decreased the angle. They will walk down the ramp. But won’t drop down to the grass. They’ll sit on the ramp for a minute, the. Go back up into the coop. Any suggestions??
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    Bird Wrangling

    I love my Ducks. They’re 11 weeks old. Each night has been a goat rodeo, getting them back in their house from the run. I don’t like picking them up, because I worry I will hurt their wings. I pick them up gently, covering their wings; but I can feel them trying to lift them…. Any suggestions to...
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    Ahhhh! A Pool!!!

    My Ducks won’t enter the run with the kiddie pool in there. I’m not sure how to get them to the pool, if they won’t go in the run
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    Drake? Or Hen?

    These are my Swedish Blues. The one with the full bib, I’m pretty sure is a hen. Especially by her quack. I’m not sure about the grey one. Doesn’t make a lot of sound at all. Thoughts??
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    Not showing signs of comb

    I have three Americana in my flock. They’re about 9/10 weeks old. I am not really seeing any sign that they’re growing a comb….? Is that normal??
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    Won’t use ramp

    I can’t seem to get my chickens to go down the ramp. They’re about 9 weeks old. Have been in a brooder and now the coop. They’re curious about the ramp. They peck at it; look at it, but won’t go down it. Any ideas??? Pic of ramp…
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    Not sure if this is the right board. I have six hens that are 6 weeks old. I want to get a rooster; but I don’t want a million chicks. How do I have a rooster without the breeding?? Or is this a no win situation?
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    All Ain’t Quiet

    I am a little concerned. I have six chicks. One of them seems to like me more than the others. However, she seems to jump at the other birds for no apparent reason. I like her; but she seems to be disrupting the “flow.” Am I misinterpreting something?
  12. H

    Ducklings getting Angel Wing

    My 4-5 week old ducklings are getting Angel Wing. Both of them on the left wing. Is it too late to correct? I am feeding them 18% protein; who CJ I now realize is too much for them at this age. If I switch to a lower protein; is it too late to fix it???
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    Eggs, Eggs and More Eggs

    Not sure if this is the right board for this. What does everyone do with extra eggs? I have six birds right now; but I’d like to expand and get more birds. I enjoy taking care of them. I just don’t know what I’d do with all the eggs.
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    Move the brooder outside?

    I live in Michigan; it’s still getting in the low 30s at night. I’m afraid to move the brooder to my garage, because I don’t want them to freeze to death. I have a brooder light. But I’m worried one of the chicks will fall asleep in the cold side and die. And thoughts would help!
  15. H

    Brooder lights?

    I moved my ducklings to their own brooder. Because they were getting the bedding all wet; and didn’t want my chicks to get sick. Anyways, I got them their own lamp; and now, they’re all laying on the far end of the brooders. Is two too many? Should I, sort of, straddle the two brooders with one...
  16. H

    Coop Plan suggestions

    Any suggestions for websites or books for good coop plans? I have 6 chicks at the moment. Three Wyandotte and 3 Ameracauna. I also have two Swedish Blue Ducks, that I may build their own enclosure for…
  17. H

    “Wetting the Bed”

    My chicks/ducklings keep knocking my waterer around and spilling the water. I change the wet bedding out daily. I’m not sure what to do, to secure the waterer so they don’t tip it. (They jump onto it too) It was on the ground, but they kept getting line chips in it. I put a block under it to...
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    Ducklings and Chicks

    I have two ducklings and six chicks in a 2x2x3 brooder. Is that ok?
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    Cleaning Brooder

    I am super new to raising chickens. When I clean the brooder, the chicks will pile in one of the corners. To the point that the ones on the outside will leap into the middle to “get away.” I try to move slowly and speak calmly. I am worried that they will hurt one another. Is there a better way??
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