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  1. C

    Scalped to the Skull, Pullet Silkie

    I've been sitting on floor with her for almost an hour. definitely waiting to see what happens. I got some yolk and sugar water down the hatch, she then shook her head of (flung a little bit of stray water) then immediately went back to the old symptoms.
  2. C

    Scalped to the Skull, Pullet Silkie

    Yup, cleaned her wounds every day, sometimes twice if it looked like it needed it. She was responsive at 11pm last night, waddling around doing her regular thing. I'm not sure what's caused the sudden decline. I'm not sure what route to go, I've had bad experiences with tube feeding in the past...
  3. C

    Scalped to the Skull, Pullet Silkie

    Hey all, after 3 days of drinking, and 2 of those days having some egg yolk, she is now suddenly unresponsive. She is limp, but she is alive. When I touch her she may do nothing, or she might beat me with a wing. More frequently she just twitches her head a little. What can I do? I have her...
  4. C

    Scalped to the Skull, Pullet Silkie

    We don't have a rooster, and the pullet hasn't laid yet. I'm not sure how to check her eyes, i dont want to force them open. i think i can see them moving around when she "blinks". but I've done/am doing everything you've stated for cleaning and feeding.
  5. C

    Scalped to the Skull, Pullet Silkie

    Yep, the injured one is inside the house in a carrier in my room. I'm hopeful, as there's minimal bloodless outside of the initial cleaning/attack. Thank you for the response. My anxiety is slaughtering me.
  6. C

    Scalped to the Skull, Pullet Silkie

    I let the chickens out, and as I was putting egg shells in the compost I noticed someone was in the corner. I got her inside upon realizing she was injured, cleaned her with some soup and water (gently, with a clean wrag) then applied neosporin. She's currently in a cat carrier, and she's...
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