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  1. D

    Duck keeps getting nosebleeds!

    Hello! I wanted to wait till the end of the day before I update on how Kurt is doing, I'm very scared or jinxing things lol. He had zero nosebleeds today!!!! Appetite + activity level + his behavior is still normal as well, and his nare today seemed less bothered. The one side of his nare still...
  2. D

    Duck keeps getting nosebleeds!

    It is squishy and the left side is much more swollen than the right ... it definitely seems like an infection :( Thank u so much for the article I'm gonna read it now. Do you know what antibiotics are recommended for something like this? I'm also gonna schedule a vet appointment
  3. D

    Duck keeps getting nosebleeds!

    I've been comparing lots of pictures of him and since the nosebleeds started, around his nose and his face in general is definitely more swollen than typical :( That + the nosebleeds, and then no other symptoms or changes so I'm really at a loss and worried
  4. D

    Duck keeps getting nosebleeds!

    Thank you so much, he is the biggest sweetheart :( Your pfp is possibly the most adorable thing I have ever seen!
  5. D

    Duck keeps getting nosebleeds!

    Yes! My mom and boyfriend have been reassuring me that it might just be the weather, especially since he is completely fine otherwise but I am such a worrier lol. Their enclosure is insulated and protected from wind + snow and inside their coop where they sleep, I use a lot of hay and straw. It...
  6. D

    Duck keeps getting nosebleeds!

    This is him back in February, sometimes it looks paler but usually the red is normally there. Since the nosebleeds started a few days ago, his beak to me looks more bright red and puffier on the sides. I also forgot to mention in my post but it snowed for the first time in a while the day the...
  7. D

    Duck keeps getting nosebleeds!

    Hello! I have been a lurker on this website for a while, last year I very suddenly became responsible for raising six ducklings with zero experience and it is all because of this website that my babies have all grown up happy and healthy. However, I admit there is still sooo much I need to learn...
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