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  1. Chickerdoodle13

    Photography Inspiration

    Hey guys! I have been a long time enthusiast of photography but now that I've had some free time, I'm sort of at a loss of things to photograph. I've done a lot of birds, animals, and flowers. It's a bit early here for flowers but I'm wondering if anyone has some inspiration for me! It's a bit...
  2. Chickerdoodle13

    Dog trick ideas

    Hey guys! It's been pretty cold and icky here in upstate NY, which means fewer walks for my dog. Usually on cold days, we will do trick training instead. However, I'm having a difficult time thinking of new tricks to train my dog to keep her from getting bored. We mostly work with the clicker...
  3. Chickerdoodle13

    Crocheted headband and Ponytail hats! - fried egg colors!

    Hey guys! I am selling some crocheted items that I have been making. The first is a headband made with soft, chunky yarn. The colors I used just happen to make it look like a fried egg! I thought it was really cute. I'm asking $15 for this plus $3 shipping. The second two items are pony tail...
  4. Chickerdoodle13

    I passed my veterinary boards!!

    Just wanted to hoot and hollar a bit because I found out today that I passed my veterinary licensing board exam! It is such a huge relief to finally know, as that was probably the hardest test I've ever taken and studied for in my life! Now I'm one step closer to doctor and I just have to...
  5. Chickerdoodle13

    Foster rats

    I've been wanting rats for a really long time and finally got a chance to foster for a rescue. I got my first group last night and they have been fun so far. It is two neutered PEW males and two hooded females. The males are very skittish but the females are sweet. Here is a picture of one of...
  6. Chickerdoodle13

    TGIF chat thread!

    I'm so very happy it is the weekend! I'm a veterinary student and just started clinical rotations. The rotation I'm just finishing is large animal surgery and we've been really busy these past few days! I enjoyed the rotation but I am very glad it is the weekend. My plans for tomorrow involve...
  7. Chickerdoodle13

    Can anyone sew a surgical cap with chickens on it?

    Hey guys! I've been doing a bit of searching for surgical caps (the kinds of hats surgeons wear) with chickens on them and I haven't had much luck! I was wondering if there is anyone here better at sewing than I am to make me one! I am more than willing for pay for both the cap and shipping. I...
  8. Chickerdoodle13

    Kitchenaid mixer recipes

    Hey guys! I did a quick search but didn't see any recent recipe threads for kitchenaid mixers and figured I'd start another instead of resurrecting one! My mom got a mixer for Christmas and I'm home on break for a while so I would like to try using it. I found a focaccia recipe I think I'm...
  9. Chickerdoodle13

    International Poultry Expo

    Is anyone planning to go to the international poultry expo this year? It's a commercial poultry expo and geared more towards those working in the field, but I figured I'd ask. It's in Atlanta, Georgia and I just bought my plane tickets and registration for the expo! I'm very excited to attend...
  10. Chickerdoodle13

    Gift Swaps!

    Anyone else participate in any gift swaps or secret santas? Post what you got!
  11. Chickerdoodle13

    What are you doing for Halloween?

    Just wondering if anyone is doing anything fun for Halloween. The past three years (including this one) we've had tests the week after Halloween, so I haven't had much of a chance to enjoy the holiday! It is one of my favorites. This year I'm going to a friend's house in the evening for an...
  12. Chickerdoodle13

    "Ruff" week? Come join the club!

    This past week was a bit rough. It was very busy and I think it got to a lot of my classmates mentally as well. Everyone seems a little on edge. Anyway, I thought it would be nice to have a place to chat for those of us who may be having a rough day/week/month and maybe we can help each other...
  13. Chickerdoodle13

    Any plans this weekend?

    For the first time in a long time, I have a three day weekend and nothing to study for. We had a test Friday and I've been enjoying some time off ever since. I suppose this is how normal people generally feel on weekends when they are not consumed by vet school! Anyway, is anyone doing...
  14. Chickerdoodle13

    Reactive Dogs

    Its been a while since I've started a thread of my own. Mostly I find myself trying to answer others' questions! I'm curious if anyone else here has had to deal with reactive dogs. I grew up with a cattle dog who was mostly a farm dog. He did his job well, but he didn't like visitors. He was...
  15. Chickerdoodle13

    Performed my first surgery yesterday!

    Just wanted to share some pictures of my first surgery (a cat spay) with my BYC friends! It was a lot of fun and the patient is doing well!
  16. Chickerdoodle13

    Some photos from a foggy evening

    When I was home over Christmas break, we had an awesome foggy evening and I was able to snap some pics! Enjoy!
  17. Chickerdoodle13

    What do you wish veterinarians knew about chickens?

    Hey guys! I wasn't quite sure where to put this so it would get the most exposure. Anyway, I am a vet student at Cornell University and I'm going to be giving a presentation for the poultry club about Backyard chickens to my fellow students (Along with a few of my advisors). Part of the...
  18. Chickerdoodle13

    Who are YOU? - Share a photo of yourself!

    So cute! It is really hard to say no to them sometimes. Sienna insisted on sitting on the couch, so I allowed her on one couch. She even wiggled her way onto my parents' couch and they allow it when we visit (they NEVER allowed any of our dogs on the furniture!) I have a slip cover and I just...
  19. Chickerdoodle13

    Where did you go to college and what did you study?

    Just curious about where all you folks graduated from and what you studied. Undergrad, graduate school, trade school, all counts! I did my undergrad at a small college in southern NJ called Richard Stockton College (soon to be a university!) and I majored in Biology with a minor in...
  20. Chickerdoodle13

    Apple picking!

    I went apple picking with some friends to take advantage of a short class day. Just wanted to share some pictures!
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