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  1. cgjsmith

    Any sheep owners on here?!

    this is sammie, 'mima and prancer chocolate and lambie Pie All but lambie are babydolls, Lambie is a big? LOL
  2. cgjsmith

    What Other sheep breeds?

    I haveseveral "it" babydoll sheep a ram and a very old female. I Love my boys and girl!! I want more sheep. I doubt I would be able to afford the $600-$800 a ewe most people are asking So what other breed is out there that is polled and easygoing as my babydolls. I don't want anything that...
  3. Default


  4. cgjsmith

    Help. Turkey with a swollen neck

    It was fine a few hours ago. We gave Them watermelon to snack on and now her whole neck is swollen. She's not having breathing problem and she's still trying to eat and play. I held her upside down and ran my had down her beck and nothing. Could she eat too much water melon? C
  5. cgjsmith

    Tom setting?

    yes you read that right my nerri Tom is setting on eggs. The hen has no desire to set the eggs but the toms on them every time I go down there is this normal? C
  6. cgjsmith

    What happened???

    My royal palm Tom was acting fine until I went to feed him. Even then he was fine till I went into change their water. All of the sudden he starts weezing turning purple and staggering around. I picked him up and pushed around on his craw and it felt full of air. He ended up dying about 10 min...
  7. cgjsmith

    blue slate deal!!

    What kind of card do you use and where do you put it? C
  8. cgjsmith

    So what would I get if...

    I have a burbon red Tom and a royal palm Tom. Yesterday I get some hens that are a royal palm/bronze cross. What would I get? I was hoping the burbon/royal p / bronze would throw a sweetgrass poult. Any ideas? Crystal
  9. cgjsmith

    Has anyone made a automatic water dish?

    Sorry about my odd wording i can't think of what it's called. I'm getting read to build an incubator and would really like to make it easier to add water without opening the top. I've seen sevral of the bigger models that have a bucket on top that leads to the waterdish. I don't know if there...
  10. cgjsmith

    Royal palm hen

    I need a royal palm hen. I got a set of narries last week and my palm Jake has spent every second paceing and strutting in front of their cage. He needs a woman. I would prefer a palm hen but I wouldn'tmind any hen. I would be glad to send eggs your way. Crystal
  11. cgjsmith

    where in the heck do you get metal roofing!

    If your not looking for perfect try you metal recycling centers they will sell them fairly cheap.
  12. cgjsmith

    I'd like to build a tractor run, but don't quite know how.

    I would probably go with a metal tube one. I know from experience a dox can break and chew through the PVC plastic. and use hardwear cloth or welded wire instead of the chicken wire. When a dog is determined it doesn't matter whats in the way if they can break through it they will.
  13. cgjsmith

    Return of the Peafowl!!! Two thumbs up.... Will there be a sequel>>>

    Yes I was so very happy!! Most of ya'll know that I lost two sets of peafowl last year when they managed to escape the pen I had for them. Well one of the males showed up about two months after they got lost and a couple of months after that the female came back whoo hoo!!!! I've let them be...
  14. cgjsmith

    WTB Mandarin Ducks needing more info on them

    1lPook I am intrested as well I had a female until a dog broke down my door (got it fixed now so nothing can get in!!) I would love a pair and live in TN. Crystal
  15. cgjsmith

    Babydoll Southdowns? need general sheep advice.

    Babydolls are wonderful sheep such great teddybears ha ha) I have 8 at the moment. only two ewes though as I happen to like giving homes to nutered males. If you get a gaurdian dog be sure to have it trained. we got a merrma who tortures our sheep. I am looking for a way to train him not to...
  16. cgjsmith

    Want to get a peahen but have two males

    I have two males one caged one not. I want to get a female but not if its going to cause problems between the males. She would be caged with the one male. But they would be allowed to free range this winter. I can't afford two right now. maybe one this month one next month? But then would...
  17. cgjsmith

    Southern 101---Explanation of all things Southern

    I was raised in the south by a southern momma and a northern dad. I Went to Wisconsin to my grandparents one time to visit. We went to the restrunt and had to ask the waiter to repeat what he was saying and slow down with every word out of his mouth and had to order my food no less then 4 times...
  18. cgjsmith

    Auugg how to keep the birds out of the garden!!

    Turkeys and guineas can jump fences. Plus we have a huge garden. It was my first thought too. C
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