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  1. Tawodi

    Mama cut chicks lose at 4 wks old ???

    for similar reasons, I had to bring in some chicks and be their hen, some from day 1. just put out 9 yesterday to their own fenced area of the run, so the adults can get used to them. next weekend, the last 8 will go in the mini run, for a couple weeks, then get let into the herd. good thing...
  2. Tawodi

    What is with this girl!

    thats awesome! I had a chick a friend was holding for me while i built up my coop/run, and out of 40 birds, her dog got hold of mine (oddly enough named sweet pea) and killed her. my SS is my friendliest bird, sitting on our lap, eating from our hands, talking to us the whole time i am in the...
  3. Tawodi

    New to raising chicks

    welcome, and best of luck. here is your warning, so you cant say you didnt know... they are addictive! I went out to the coop the other day and my spouse was sitting down, chicken on her lap, petting it while it coo'ed at her.
  4. Tawodi

    Anyone have a rooster that didn't crow???

    I am new to this all, but all mine crow. Since he doesn't want you to have a roo, get a male guinea. that may change his mind
  5. Tawodi

    How did I count wrong?

    how is this for math... December I decided I wanted to get 4 chickens to keep at the house. Counting the 32 (yes 32) that have hatched, i'm around 70 now.
  6. Tawodi

    guinea vs snake?

    I have heard both ways, that a guinea will attack a snake, and that it wont do anything to a snake. I have rattlers in my area, and would like to know if anyone has had an experience themselves where a guinea attacks or drives off a snake? thanks
  7. Tawodi

    Finally got my chicks!

    I have the same setup, but my temp varies between 91 and 96. I would think 105 would be high, but if they love it, I would think for now its fine. I read that you drop 5 degrees per week, roughly. I also put the water near the light so it gets a little warmer than room temp, but not hot. I...
  8. Tawodi

    adoptive mama hen pecking at new chick

    no reply needed, found my answer.
  9. Tawodi

    adoptive mama hen pecking at new chick

    Hi all, recently I have had some hens go broody in my coop. once one started hatching chicks, i caged her box off so she could see out, but the chicks couldnt get out. i put in a chick feeder with medicated feed and a small water device. all of a sudden, i started finding chicks in the...
  10. Tawodi

    Who here has brought home more chicks then they originally planned?

    4 was my limit. Within a month, I was at 45. Gave away a bunch of roos, now I have 8 broody hens sitting on eggs. 9 chicks so far, about a week old, more on the way.
  11. Tawodi

    There's chirping in the next room... (New from AZ)

    welcome from Cochise County! Chicken math=build your coop bigger than you think you will ever need, and you wont have to build a second one My project started a couple months ago, and went from maybe 4-6 to over 40 birds. I cut it back to 35 (had a LOT of roosters... HAD). Keep a pellet...
  12. Tawodi

    hens hatching, let them keep the chicks or get my brooder?

    here are the mamas, you can see an egg they are guarding. the phoenix on the right was so burried under the bigger hen, i thought a coyote had gotten her, i didnt see her for two days.
  13. Tawodi

    Best candler for dark eggs

    $18 bucks at walmart for a 540 lumen 1million candlepower spotlight. yes, its a heater. just need to use the black funnel with the small end cut larger. i also use it to check my coops at night without leaving the house.
  14. Tawodi

    hens hatching, let them keep the chicks or get my brooder?

    thanks for all the good info, mama hen it is! just an odd note, its probably common but I havent heard of it before. My big mama is sitting on the 12 eggs, and I was missing one of my bantam phoenix. ended up she was hiding under big mama, helping her keep the eggs warm. I finally saw her...
  15. Tawodi

    hens hatching, let them keep the chicks or get my brooder?

    if most of the first batch (16) hatch, even if 10 hatch... will she be able to mother all of them and keep them warm? she is a bigger girl, but not huge. some of the eggs are bantams that she is sitting on. i would prefer to let her do her thing, but i am worried about losing some chicks, thats...
  16. Tawodi

    hens hatching, let them keep the chicks or get my brooder?

    hi, new to the chicken world. I was going to get 4 or 5 initially, built a coop and set up a big run, but long story short, I have around 35 I got them around 2 months ago, they range between 5 months old and a year and a half. 2 of my girls started sitting eggs, so i let them. i am now...
  17. Tawodi

    What chickens should i get?? normal vs. batnam?convince me ;)

    I have both, love the eggs of the full sized, love the look of the bantams. my bantam rooster struts around like he is 3 foot tall and sounds like he is sucking a balloon full of helium before he crows. 8x10 coop, you can fit a lot more than 10 birds in there.
  18. Tawodi

    1 inch wooven mesh

    I found that 2 inch mesh was cheaper than 1 inch and does a fine job, probably lighter since it takes less wire per sq ft. Don't use stucco wire, it looks like regular wire mesh but it isnt made to stand up to outside weather. When you are connecting the strips of mesh together (I had to do 12...
  19. Tawodi

    Sumatras or pheonix??

    some of my phx hens. if you are local to southern az let me know. have access to more young females and a couple young roosters with foot long tails, and growing. i plan to get fertile eggs for hatching this spring.
  20. Tawodi

    Free ranging for the first time

    Best of luck, I will be doing the same soon. Merry Christmas
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