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  1. NateDomRIR

    Thank you

    Thank you
  2. NateDomRIR

    Thank you

    Thank you
  3. NateDomRIR

    Thank you

    Thank you
  4. NateDomRIR

    Thank you

    Thank you
  5. NateDomRIR

    coturnix quail

    coturnix quail
  6. NateDomRIR

    the Blackest Ones: on exploring the significance of Cemani mutations

    They're so Amazingly Beautiful !!!!! You're such a blessed man. Please keep us updated as they grow and inform us about the breed.
  7. NateDomRIR

    Mille Fluer Leghorn Hatching Eggs

    The only place I know to get chicks from is Sand Hill. I think they sell hatching eggs also.
  8. NateDomRIR

    formed feathered chick found in just layed egg??????

    Just picked this egg up this morning, it was cracked a little so I was gonna eat it for breakfast until I saw this.....
  9. weird


    formed chick in just laid egg
  10. NateDomRIR


    Your FREE offer is very tempting...I may start my incubator back up soon to hatch some Fall chicks... just started reading this thread to meet other chicken people that are around me... I'm looking for some different blood for my if you have any of my breeds and are willing to...
  11. NateDomRIR

    Sumatra Thread!

    What color would you call this fella? My Sumatra cock is his daddy... and here is his fibromelanistic moms...they are the same size and type as my Sumatra hens... and one of his brothers...
  12. NateDomRIR

    Sumatra Thread!

    Jeremy, Yes, all of my Sumatras are from Cackle. I bred Daddy with daughters this last Spring. I think their size is a little small. I think they need to be a little longer legged.
  13. Sumatra Cock 061112 (1)

    Sumatra Cock 061112 (1)

  14. Sumatra Cock 061112

    Sumatra Cock 061112

  15. Sumatra Hen 061112

    Sumatra Hen 061112

  16. Sumatra Hen 060912

    Sumatra Hen 060912

  17. Sumatra Cock 051012

    Sumatra Cock 051012

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