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  1. jockeyeba

    safe to butcher & eat chicken with fowl pox?

    :frowThanks, thought so but couldn't find anything "googling"
  2. jockeyeba

    safe to butcher & eat chicken with fowl pox?

    Thanks.....definitely plan on trashing everything from them :)
  3. jockeyeba

    safe to butcher & eat chicken with fowl pox?

    Is it safe to butcher & eat the meat from 2 stags with fowl pox?.....hate to completely waste them
  4. jockeyeba

    Putting baby chicks with a hen that has chicks

    They were all a big happy family the next morning :celebrate
  5. jockeyeba

    Putting baby chicks with a hen that has chicks

    I just put them in with her & the other 8 chicks tonight, it's dark, I'm beginning to think that they are actually her chicks, that something tried to get them in the woods & somehow these 2 made it all the way to our backyard. She showed up 2 days later with 8 chicks, she always hatches 12-14...
  6. jockeyeba

    Putting baby chicks with a hen that has chicks

    Have a American Game hen that hatched who knows where that showed up with 8 chicks, 2 days before I heard chicks peeping & found 2 chicks at the back of the yard, no mother, have them in box with a light, etc. It's possible they are from the same hen that showed up 3 days later. My question is...
  7. jockeyeba

    EE Hen with sudden balance problem

    She's not having any problem eating or drinking thanks for responding :)
  8. jockeyeba

    EE Hen with sudden balance problem

    This happened the day I put the 2 new hens in, she was fighting with them along with several others so maybe she hurt herself then. I haven't noticed her having a problem until that day. She is eating & getting up on the roost with the rest of them. Thanks for your input :)
  9. jockeyeba

    EE Hen with sudden balance problem

    Introduced 2 new hens (after guarantine) & they started fighting, I noticed my only resident EE was falling down when they attacked each other & seemed to have trouble getting back up. I've never noticed her having a problem until the new ones came in & the fights started. It's been several...
  10. jockeyeba

    Egyptian Geese

    I did look up the hunting rules in Texas & the Egyptians are supposed to be protected but I haven't seen them in 4 days now :(
  11. jockeyeba

    Egyptian Geese

    No they were gone later in the afternoon & back this morning when I went out to feed chickens, its 12:30 now & they are still out on top of one of my chicken coops, they seem to disappear everyday in the afternoon & don't come back until the next morning. I wish I could see them fly off so I...
  12. jockeyeba

    Egyptian Geese

    I don't know the hunting rules for geese in Texas, I'll have to look into it....
  13. jockeyeba

    Egyptian Geese

    Thanks, the one with the wing is larger & is the one making a hissing sort of sound. I don't have a single empty place left that would be raccoon proof at this time to try & lure them into, if they keep coming back I'll have to work on something.
  14. jockeyeba

    Egyptian Geese

    They're still here today, every other time they've disappeared in the afternoon. :ya but what do I do with them if they seem to want to stay tonight? I don't want them to be eaten by the raccoons we always have coming in our yard.
  15. jockeyeba

    Egyptian Geese

    thanks Christie, here are some pictures I took a little while ago, since I know absolutely nothing about geese how do I tell if they are male or female? They look alike to my untrained eye but one is bigger then the other. One of them seemed to be breathing funny & making a sound + it's left...
  16. jockeyeba

    Egyptian Geese

    Here are some better pictures from this morning, if there is a particular thread I should try & someone sees this, let me know :)
  17. jockeyeba

    Egyptian Geese

    2 Egyptian geese showed up in my back yard a few days ago, they were here then gone but are back today actually on the ground this time eating my feed I put out for my chickens. My question: What do they eat different from what I'm feeding my chickens? I feed fermented feed
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