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  1. cabincrazyone

    Comment by 'cabincrazyone' in article 'Elevated Coop And Run'

    Not only are you very good at carpentry, your story telling is very entertaining. The step by step commentary with pictures along the way makes for an excellent read. Nice Job!
  2. cabincrazyone

    Birds Birds

    The nesting pair of Bald Eagles (at the cabin) often perch on the dead white pine at the point of my point. It's a great view (I presume .... I haven't climbed the tree). Their principal food is fish, so they watch the lake for hours. I watch them for hours. Sorry my little Nikon Coolpix 4300...
  3. cabincrazyone

    More Cabin

    Here's the Reason I'm Cabin Crazy One Here's the cabin interior. The first photo is taken from a few steps inside of the front door. Panning clockwise shows the wood heater and a bit of the bedroom loft above. Then we turn some more to see the bar, behind which is the kitchen under the...
  4. Coop Signs

    Coop Signs

    I've seen many great chicken coops here at BYC. Folks take great pride in their chickens and their chicken "equipment", whether they built it themselves, put together a kit, or hired the whole thing done. Part of that pride is represented in a sign proudly hung in just the right place. That sign...
  5. cabincrazyone

    Cabincrazyones Page

    I came to BYC to learn about raising chickens. It's something I've always wanted to do. I'm reading the forum and finding all the necessary features of a coop. Also, what I need to know about caring for the birds. It's interesting how a person quickly develops more questions and comes to realize...
  6. cabincrazyone

    Weird or Old Home Remedies

    Tape a penny over a bee or hornet sting.
  7. cabincrazyone

    found a rooster in the park with pics

    I'm sure Lucas must be a priceless asset to have around the run in case an unwanted critter comes calling.
  8. cabincrazyone

    Hanging cabbages

    Speaking of cabbage ... do fowl pass gas?
  9. cabincrazyone

    found a rooster in the park with pics

    Quote: This was my first thought ... but I found this thread about four pages late. I would have asked how much does he want for them? ... oh .... never mind. Thanks for the "after" photo. He looks fine now. So ... how many chickens has your dog found for you ... and where do I get one of...
  10. cabincrazyone


    Speaking of weather ... there's a rumor here in Duluth that the sun may shine tomorrow. If it does, it will be a shocking thrust into SUMMER. My blue-white skin might warm up. And gain some color.
  11. cabincrazyone

    FoodKiller's chicken journal!

    Quote: No. Your long posts are interesting and entertaining. I enjoy your point of view, your insight ... and the subtle differences in the way we live on opposite sides of the world, and the many ways we are exactly the same, are interesting, too. Don't change a thing!
  12. cabincrazyone

    Anyone Collect Antiques? (Pics)

    Quote: Nothing like replying a month later. Hah. You two are my kind of people. I've been dragging stuff home for forty years. The first thing I ask at a rummage sale is "Where's the rusty stuff?" Your mention of tractor tools reminds me of a neighbor on our lake. He built a small bar in his...
  13. cabincrazyone

    I've never seen my girls so ticked off!!! PIC ADDED -

    I'd call them stink eyed beauties! Very pretty birds. I especially like your partridge looking EE.
  14. cabincrazyone

    Heard an odd thing...

    Quote: That's funny .... but practical. Everyone can quickly come up with a coin, but a piece of string may be harder to find. And the coin is twice as accurate!!! What a deal!!!
  15. cabincrazyone

    Back from Africa & took some chicken pics-heavy!

    I feel the need to apologize for my last post .... but I'd also like to explain so you don't think I'm malicious ... just goofy. The first thing I saw was "loves naked pets". Then I scrolled through several photos of very pretty (or handsome, as gender dictates) silkies. Cotton balls with beaks...
  16. cabincrazyone

    Heard an odd thing...

    Quote: What a hoot!! Works every time!! Just like my football picks. A few years ago there was a chimpanzee that out-picked stocks over several big shot financial advisors. I still like the idea of putting eggs under my pillow, but I don't know if it works with chicks.
  17. cabincrazyone

    Workday chicken pictures 3-8

    That photo is just as cute as cute can be. It immediately brings to mind the pride inherent in all mothers. But the cut line is ... shall we say ... not in the positive vein. It makes my respect of motherhood go "ouch".
  18. cabincrazyone

    The BYC Harry Potter Fanclub

    OKAY. I've had more coffee. I'm happy as a clam. (I've never understood what a clam has to be happy about.) So .... do you mean that we should Google "Harry Potter roll play" ..... or there's a thread on the BYC forum , in the "games, jokes, and fun" topic .... I'll look around. Nothing but...
  19. cabincrazyone

    The BYC Harry Potter Fanclub

    It took me a minute or two to figure out that RP means "roll play". Or at least after thinking about it for a while I've concluded that's most probably what it is. I'm still able to set the clock of our microwave, but I have never set up the messaging and other stuff on my cell phone. I have no...
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