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  1. Stacykins

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Three new Nigerian Dwarf kids entered the world 4/27/16! Two girls and a boy. All have their father's awesome blue eyes. Plus huge milking potential. I can't wait to milk their dam, she did great last year with one kid, this year should be even better!
  2. Stacykins

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Huh, I just won a $100 off a Garden Tower II (I signed up trying to win an actual unit, hah). Alas, even being $259 (the cost with the discount), plus $40 shipping, still a bit too much for me to want one. If anyone wants to use it, the discount it is linked to my email, but we can still...
  3. Stacykins

    DE for deworning your herd? Goat specific question...

    Elimination of all parasitic worms is basically impossible. What is done is the levels are managed. Rotational grazing is a key step, keeping goats on fresh, tall pasture that isn't full of manure, reducing egg ingestion. You've likely seen something called FAMACHA? That is a program used to...
  4. Stacykins

    DE for deworning your herd? Goat specific question...

    Vets, like human doctors, need continuing education. Most vets will not recommended worming on a schedule. A few old school ones will. Up to date vets will give wormers based on the results of a fecal sample.
  5. Stacykins

    DE for deworning your herd? Goat specific question...

    Worming should never be done on a schedule. Only as needed based on fecal exams showing a high enough parasite load. The practice of worming just because X amount of time passes is how resistance forms. That and underdosing or using the wrong wormer. Current livestock evidence based medical...
  6. Stacykins

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    The rooster will crow ;)
  7. Stacykins

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I think the duck eggs make baked goods so much richer (due to the big yolks!), that is for sure. I haven't done too much baking recently though, aside from cookies for work. I recently found a recipe called Featherlight Sponge Cake (recipe came from a book called A Little Book of Scottish...
  8. Stacykins

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    My Magpie ducks provide oodles of duck eggs for people who want to purchase them for eating. I have seven girls, and they each give me an egg a day. Sometimes we have to come up with creative ways to use all the eggs if they're not selling quick enough!
  9. Stacykins

    DE for deworning your herd? Goat specific question...

    You should always make sure any kind of worming agent is required before using it. A vet should analyze a fecal sample. You can either use your local vet, or send samples off for $5 per sample here, to Mid America Agricultural Research. It tells you what parasites are ailing your goats and the...
  10. Stacykins

    Registered Nigerian dwarf question

    If you didn't see the tattoo with the flashlight, the person who bred the goat's sold them with registrations, but did not tattoo. Animals should never be registered unless their tattoos are in place. Alas, a lot of breeders do this. They send off registered animals with blank ears all the time...
  11. Stacykins

    Araucana thread anyone?

    I've never gotten eggs from Ed. Other breeders though. More people are on the Facebook group than here.
  12. Stacykins

    Araucana thread anyone?

    I purchased Hatching eggs from them once. I had a good hatch rate, but I don't remember being particularly impressed with the chicks. I've gotten much nicer stock from other breeders. The minimum order for chicks is 16. So that many of their chicks will set you back $224 plus shipping. Ouch...
  13. Stacykins

    Ngerian drawf goat 5 weeks old feeding

    You need to feed based on weight. Weigh him and use this chart to ensure he is not being underfed. At this point, you are feeding so little for a five week old ND, that it may be the case if he is the size of a normal ND kid of that age. As he grows, obviously the amount he needs to eat goes up.
  14. Stacykins

    What breed of goat is this?

    How tall is she? How much does she weigh? Does she have any registration papers? Without any papers, she is likely some sort of mixed breed. Breed can only be guessed, you'll never know for certain. If she is a small goat, likely a mix of Nigerian Dwarf and Pygmy. She looks too stocky for the...
  15. Stacykins

    Baby Goat

    ONLY deworm when it is necessary. Did you send a fecal check to a veterinarian? I am guessing not. Just randomly giving a dewormer with no need is what leads to parasite resistance. Will you send a fecal sample to a vet to assess that it was successful? This needs to be done. Did you deworm...
  16. Stacykins


    Sale of milk in most states is rather dubious. According to this website, on farm sale of goat milk is legal in KY. But do your own extensive research before selling a single drop. If you get caught selling the wrong way and/or sued by someone who gets sick from the milk produced, it won't be a...
  17. Stacykins

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I raise a lot of ducklings each year using the dumor 24% and then later 20% as they get old. Not a one has had a leg issue, and none have gotten supplemental niacin, either. Perhaps I am lucky, but they're sound birds.
  18. Stacykins

    Araucana thread anyone?

    Trim bum fluff on hens and roosters. It will help ensure their rumpless booties meet when they do the deed.
  19. Stacykins

    Please help, baby goat not doing so good

    Navel ill could be a possibility too. I can't make a big post right now, but that came to mind with the hind end weakness.
  20. Stacykins

    Spoiled goat

    If the male goats are intact bucks then they can never be introduced until she is old enough and large enough to breed (and even then, just for breeding, not for constant living with). She will need another doeling or a wethered male to keep her company if that is the case. If they are...
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