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  1. Josh_Manors

    Code Enforcement visit...please help!

    I live in Coconut Creek FL and have 2 Easter Eggers hens that I've had since they were 2 days old. Today code enforcement informed me that due to an anonymous complaint I would have to get rid of my girls. I really can't find anything in the codes that restricts me from having them first off...
  2. Josh_Manors

    Want to buy Serama pullets or hens in or around S. FL area

    Looking to buy Serama pullets or hens in or around the S. FL area. I will be giving them a great home! Thanks.
  3. Josh_Manors

    Feathers missing around vent area & possible fix.

    I have 3 six month old hens (no roosters) and two of them suddenly lost feathers around the vent with some blood present in the bald area, the third hen was perfectly fine. I took them to the vet and had blood, throat, and fecal cultures done and everything was normal, the vet also told me that...
  4. Josh_Manors

    Please help! Mites, Lice, or feather plucking?

    I have 3 EE hens and today one of them is suddenly lacking feathers around her rump??? She was perfectly fine yesterday and the other 2 are still ok. There are no feathers on the ground or in the coop so it's a complete mystery as to what happened over night. I did a complete clean out of all...
  5. Josh_Manors

    Mites, Lice, or feather plucking?

    I have 3 EE hens and today one of them is suddenly lacking feathers around her rump??? She was perfectly fine yesterday and the other 2 are still ok. There are no feathers on the ground or in the coop so it's a complete mystery as to what happened over night. I did a complete clean out of all...
  6. Josh_Manors

    Best method to restrain for wing clip

    I have come to the dreaded conclusion that I will have to clip the wing of at least one of my EE girls. Now that they are just a little over 13 weeks they are starting to get a little high in their short flights, and even though I have a 6 foot wooden fence around the yard I'm afraid of them...
  7. Josh_Manors

    Teens & their cell phones.

    All my teen wants to do theses days is talk on the cell phone.
  8. Josh_Manors

    Purchased Ameraucana chicks ?

    I purchased 2 day old Ameraucana chicks that are now just over 9 weeks old and I could use help confirming the breed and sex of this one. Thanks.
  9. Josh_Manors

    Hello from S. Florida

    So glad I found this forum with its wealth of great information. I am presently owned by 3 Ameraucana pullets (I hope they're pullets) that just turned 7 weeks and I've had them since they were 2 days old. So far they have been in what appears to be in perfect health and are a constant source of...
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