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    (╭☞ ͡⎚෴ ͡⎚)╭☞

    (╭☞ ͡⎚෴ ͡⎚)╭☞
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    Stargazing rooster

    Just want to say really quick that he passed away a couple of days ago, for semi-unrelated reasons. RIP Jujube.
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    Stargazing rooster

    Just letting everyone know that he's doing a lot better now. We've been giving him his stuff every other day now, but otherwise he seems to be getting around by himself. Thank you for all of the advice. I was really worried about him.
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    Stargazing rooster

    We've been getting him to drink the vitamin E + selenium mixture through a dropper for the past couple of days. He seems to be active, just kind of disoriented in smaller spaces like his coop. But otherwise, he seems to be moving around the yard like he normally would, save for his head being...
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    Stargazing rooster

    Gave him the vitamin E and selenium mixed in with some yogurt. He took a couple of bites, but didn't seem too interested in it. His head is tilting further to the side and he's less active, and he doesn't want to leave the coop. I don't know if he's gonna pull through.
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    Stargazing rooster

    Oh my. Okay, thank you! I'll be going to the store soon anyway.
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    Stargazing rooster

    My Silkie rooster has been cocking his head and occasionally twisting his neck for the past couple of days, or stargazing, as I saw it was called. I thought he was just having one of those days, but no. Other than stargazing and stumbling around, he seems okay. He seems to be eating and...
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    Great Depression of 2016

    Ohhhh no wait never mind, I know who you're talking about. Also, please come to my party in my Quonset hut when I go to the gulag.
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    Great Depression of 2016

    Who is Dennis?
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    Great Depression of 2016

    I just realized I posted this in the wrong thread, haha.
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    Great Depression of 2016

    Hooray. I may get sent to the gulag by a cheeto colored man-baby for belonging to the wrong background. But on the bright side of things, I found this:
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    My hen is puffed up and can't walk very well

    Can you feel for an egg? I had a hen earlier this year with peritonitis who had the same symptoms.
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    Egg bound hen - am I handling this right?

    I just want to add that I think it may have been peritonitis or edema, hence the egg not passing and the foul smelling poop. Please, if your egg bound hen does not pass her egg within a day after treatment, take her to a vet. There's a good chance she may not actually be egg bound.
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    You did what you could. I lost one of my hens a couple of days ago, too, and it's very, very hard. Sounds like she was a very sweet little bird. I'm very sorry.
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    in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

    There was a pretty big flood on the Oregon coast last year, and I remember the news broadcast a video of a man jet skiing through his neighborhood in the middle of the night. Sort of reminded me of that.
  16. Z


    Glad she's feeling a bit better!
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