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  1. coffeekittie

    Help! Chicks attacked by hen! *WARNING GRAPHIC PICS*

    Also, consider putting them out of their misery if some don't appear to be healing, or stay in pain. You wouldn't be a monster for that. Neosporin without the pain reliever is a good thing to consider for the wounds. I hope your chicks are able to recover.
  2. coffeekittie

    Trying to design my first coop

    One thing to consider is your fence height. Chickens and even heritage breeds of turkeys can fly very well, and you might be spending a lot of time chasing critters. 6 ft plus something to deter flying out/predators flying in would by my suggestion. Some people use strong fishing line or even...
  3. coffeekittie

    DIY Thread - Let's see your "Inventions".

    The Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother in it contains good probiotics and acidity levels to aid in the chickens/rabbits/horses/whatever digestion. It helps fend off cocci, too. Not a cure-all, but a good addition to their diet, IMO. I like the bucket - I can do that! In the area where I...
  4. coffeekittie

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    I've heard of the giant sized worms, but I also heard you almost never see them because they live pretty deep underground. That's so cool that you saw some! Personally, I am with CarolynF and get completely creeped out by big squiggly things.... Sadly, I have to agree. I feel your pain...
  5. coffeekittie

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Well, happy Mother's Day to Blueberry. LOL, turkeys or bantams - which would you choose? Happy Mother's Day! Can you imagine pioneer women trying to do all that? We probably work just as hard, just different.
  6. coffeekittie

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    That is good news! At least one of the babies is getting bigger than the others at a good clip. Those silvers are really pretty - I didn't know they came in that color. My two adult girls are chocolate and white and black and white. One of the babies is looking to be chocolate, and I can't...
  7. coffeekittie

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Awww! Please post pictures when you can! That's wonderful!
  8. coffeekittie

    Comment by 'coffeekittie' in item 'Australorp'

    I used to have Australorps, and they are friendly birds and good foragers. As a dual-purpose breed, they won't lay every day. They are great for people who want a flock of decent egg layers that are also good to eat.
  9. coffeekittie

    Goose eggs has white bubbles?

    LOL, that would be best, yes.
  10. coffeekittie

    DIY Thread - Let's see your "Inventions".

    Don't use galvanized metal if you use Apple Cider Vinegar in the water, but other than that, you can go with either type. I like rubber because when it's freezing out you can easily dump the ice out, and not so much with metal. I have rubber tubs from way back when I used to train horses...
  11. coffeekittie

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    That last picture is priceless! You should submit it to some sort of photography contest, lol. Schipperkes are well known to be really smart and determined. Crafty little cuties. My cats don't even bother to take a second glance at the random critters that have been in my home - rabbits...
  12. coffeekittie

    Bizarre beer recipe involving a rooster...

    Fascinating! Just the sort of thing I'll have to try. Who needs to eat? Just pop open a bottle and voila! Dinner! Seriously though, it does sound interesting and I am going to try it sometime. I make mead though, and I don't think it would translate well, lol. Will have to try making beer.
  13. coffeekittie

    Mr. Not so welcomed friend Kill or not?

    I like the way you handled those problems! I wish I had planned better at the start of my raising poultry in order to prevent racoons etc from getting into the pens. I still think about killing the coons and feel bad. Not something I want to repeat.
  14. coffeekittie

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Hi DD, The Pilgrims I have are generally very quiet, and calm. They are a little skittish around people, and not aggressive. They dominated the ducks/ducklings when they were together, but not aggressively, allowing the ducks to eat first generally, and not harrassing them much. I separated...
  15. coffeekittie

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Good evening peeps! Aren't we lucky to have this weather?! My mood disorder doesn't stand a chance against the warm and sunny days. Another helpful thing is that one of my shipped egg Swedish flower Hen chicks hatched out - boy? Girl? Gah, probably a boy with my luck, but still. Pretty...
  16. coffeekittie

    Mr. Not so welcomed friend Kill or not?

    I have killed racoons that would not stop taking my chickens, but seriously? Vengeance? Naw. Just keeping my food supply intact. Keeping the critters out is the better way to go, and I've been redoing my pens with that goal in mind. I also had a problem with rats getting into the feed...
  17. coffeekittie

    Show us your nest boxes! Ingenous design post it here!

    I know! It's a Booda Dome, not to be confused with the Booda Dome with steps. It's available at some pet stores and online for about $30. I like it too.
  18. coffeekittie


    I am now having more successful hatches and one of the things I changed was worrying and fussing with the humidity. It does matter, but temps and as one reply said, patience are more important in my opinion. Caveat: I live in a moist area of the world, and humidity is never lacking...
  19. coffeekittie

    incubator too high lead to death?

    Yes, you can see. I learned this interesting bit of information over on the goose thread. The air sac will look really lopsided, or even "broken" instead of level. I believe the pictures are in a goose hatching thread - it's really popular and easy to find. ETA: The OP on the thread I...
  20. coffeekittie

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Phew, internet back up, and work finished for the day. Simple amazing to watch them trade off sitting. They both do the cute "sit and wiggle" thing too. I bald eagles. I love their voices. If you live in or visit an area that is thick with them, you get to hear some cool sounds. Not the...
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