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  1. AVF

    no shell eggs - and change in behavior -- any ideas?

    Thanks. I'll look that up and see if there are other symptoms I should look for too. EYP sounds scary. I checked her for mites this afternoon. I'll look for worms in the morning. : (
  2. AVF

    no shell eggs - and change in behavior -- any ideas?

    Hi - I posted this earlier in the "egg section" - but now I think my RIR might not be feeling well. All the other chickens are running around the yard and sh has chosen to stay in the coop (she is NOT in a nesting box). She is just sitting in the shade in the coop. The other hens are doing...
  3. AVF

    Progressively thinner shell, to no shell at all

    Hi Raro - I don't think that is is since we've had them since they were chicks. Pretty confident that they are a year and 2 months old. Thanks for the idea though.
  4. AVF

    Progressively thinner shell, to no shell at all

    Hi - We have 6 hens. They are all just over a year old. We are getting between 4 and 6 eggs a day. This week started with a paper-shelled egg under the roost in the coop from one hen. The next day, there was an egg in the nexting box, with either a paper shell or none at all (it was broken)...
  5. AVF

    Suddenly Hen is roosting outside hen house by herself!

    Hi All - We added a 2nd roost inside the hen house, and for a few nights just moved her inside and onto that roost. After 2 or 3 nights, she went there on her own. She slept there, back turned to the other chickens for 2 months. She just started laying again and is back to her friendly self...
  6. AVF

    Avfs Member Page

    Our 6 chicks spent their first night in the new coop on Easter! The coop wasn't done - but it was done enough. We used plans from to construct this. The chicks were about 8 weeks old when they moved outside. We were a little nervous about their adjustment to the new...
  7. AVF

    Suddenly Hen is roosting outside hen house by herself!

    Though she seems to have a bad attitude, she is behaving normally-ish. She is eating and drinking and moving around just fine. Though she is definetly less social. I'll go out there now and give her a good check though and put her in the hen house. Thanks. We'll she if she tries this again...
  8. AVF

    Suddenly Hen is roosting outside hen house by herself!

    Hi. We have 6 hens all about 9 months old. One arucana has started a pretty ugly molt. She's the only one really molting. We have noticed that she is a bit of a loner since the molt began, but the other hens aren't picking on her. She is keeping her distance from us and them. Tonight we...
  9. AVF

    Portable run - anybody have any plans?

    We recently invested in electric chicken netting/fencing. We too had our lawn and raised beds destroyed. At first it was cute to see them romping through the lettuce, and then... well there was no lettuce or lawn or blueberry bush. We tried fencing them out of areas, but then decided to fence...
  10. AVF

    Noisy BA

    I have an 8 month old Rhode Island Red that is louder than the neighbor's gardner when he is using a leaf blower! It is crazy. She is sooo loud. It is the egg song, it is the I want the nesting box that is already occupied song, it is the I want my privacy cluck and I want attention call. It...
  11. AVF

    New chicken owner in Lafayette, CA

    Hi! We're in Lafayette too. Good to know there are others around the hood. Welcome to the chicken fun! AVF
  12. AVF

    pullet with big crack across beak - need advise (see attached photos)

    The update is taht 2 weeks later the beak seems totally fine. We didn't end up using superglue or anything b/c it cracked off before we got home. Just filed it a little so there were not sharp edges. Now if only she would start laying some pretty eggs... Thanks all. AVF
  13. AVF

    Very enlarged crop, no other symptoms

    Both hens seem better in the morning. Thank.s They quickly filled back up when they sstarted eating. For now I'll stop worrying. Thanks for the replies. AVF
  14. AVF

    Very enlarged crop, no other symptoms

    Hi our 5 month old barred rock (not laying yet) has a very enlarged crop. Probably the size of a golf ball or a little more. The crop is medium hard - a little mushy, but definetly not soft. She has been this way for at least 4 days. She is not exhibiting any sympotoms of discomfort. She is...
  15. AVF

    pullet with big crack across beak - need advise (see attached photos)

    So the update is: when we got home the next evening armed with superglue, we found that the cracked piece oc beak had fallen off. No blood. However, there was a beak "bone" or other structure exposed that seemed to be undammaged. We used nail clippers to cut off the sharp edges of the broken...
  16. AVF

    pullet with big crack across beak - need advise (see attached photos)

    Thanks everyone. Sounds like the advice is to go with superglue. We'll give it a go tomorrow evening and I'll report back. Gotta go buy some superglue. Thanks again to all who have chimed in.
  17. AVF

    pullet with big crack across beak - need advise (see attached photos)

    Hi - Our 4 1/2 month old arucana pullet seems to have a cracked upper beak. It is cracked from her left (where it is separated) across the top toward the right (where it is still attached). I hadn't noticed it previously - but it doesn't seem like it happened today. She isn't behaving...
  18. AVF

    Should I start opening the nesting boxes even if i havnt seen eggs?

    How old are they? We waited until 4 1/2 months to open up the boxes. It has been a few weeks and we don't really expect eggs for a while. The hens have checked out the boxes but haven't seemed too interested. They don't hang out in them much - but they seem curious a bit. So as far as I...
  19. AVF

    Grit for chickens that are part-time free rangers?

    Thanks everyone for your feedback. Much appreciated.
  20. AVF

    Grit for chickens that are part-time free rangers?

    Hi - My 3 1/2 month old chicks are still eating starter feed. We feed them treats -- mostly leftovers and scraps - fruit, rice, corn on the cob. They free-range in our yard in the late afternoons and weekends. We do not provide them "grit". There is no separate feeder with coarse...
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