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  1. chickadee70

    New Chicken Owner

    My kids and I decide to hatch some chickens. I went on an extensive search to find the chickens that would be right for our family. we live in town and have no fuzzy pets due to alergies. I love to garden and I heard chickens were great organic bug catcher but only the small chickens with the...
  2. chickadee70

    Anyone else waiting on late hatchers?

    It has been a couple week since my hatch date and I got one chick. another zipped half way around the egg and then stopped. there was blood below the egg. all the other eggs had fully developed chicks but they never even pipped. One peeped. How does a person know if they are shrink wrapped...
  3. chickadee70

    4 wk chick losing feathers?

    I sure hope someone answer you. I have a little black banny chick in the same situation and it I don't know what normal is! Is she just changing her feather? I have notice little white specks on her. is that mites? Please advise
  4. chickadee70

    Anyone else waiting on late hatchers?

    I am longing to candle these chicks, it is now day 22, but I don't want to hurt them. Can I safely candle at this point or should I wait and wait. thanks
  5. chickadee70

    Anyone else waiting on late hatchers?

    I have 3 silkie eggs on day 21 with not a peep or wiggle, I candle before lock down so I know they are in there. Does the Statement " they are Silkies" imply that they are unperdictable or late or what. I hope late is ok And if there are no cracks can I check by candling to see if they are...
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