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  1. 04SportsterChick

    From flock of five to a flock of one!!

    Thank you for the replies!! I couldn't find any for sale close and in my price range so I started calling the people on Craigslist who advertise fresh eggs. Some very nice man said he had 35 some hens and would be willing to sell me one cheap. He is about an hour away so I am going tomorrow to...
  2. 04SportsterChick

    From flock of five to a flock of one!!

    The night that Sandy hit us something got in my run/coop. I am guessing a fox cause we have been seeing one around the neighborhood. He got 3 of my girls and one a friend has taken in to try to see if she can nurse her back. The last one my Golden Comet - Ginger is now so afraid and runs at...
  3. 04SportsterChick

    So egg-sited ordered my mom some chickies

    I forgot to ask my questions....anyone out there have any comments on these three breeds together? They all seemed friendly and OK in the cold from what I have read. Not that MD is super cold but it can get pretty low some nights. One concern is the Brahma and the feathered feet. I have...
  4. 04SportsterChick

    So egg-sited ordered my mom some chickies

    I started my life as a chicken owner last year with 6. Unfortunately we lost our white plymouth rock. I still have 5 wonderful hens. My mom who will be 80 next month takes care of them when we go away. She tells me how much fun she has talking to them. Well I talked to DH and he agreed to...
  5. 04SportsterChick

    Just found my white rock dead

    I had six pullets that we got last April. Everything has been wonderful. I left today at 11 and saw them out in their coop and then left for mu sons hockey tourament. We got home about 7 and by them time we unloaded and settled in I went out to check on them. They were in the coop but there...
  6. 04SportsterChick

    Survived Irene and still got 6 eggs!!

    Well over the weekend we were hit with hurricane Irene. I worried about my hens and pestered my DH with questions about how strong the coop he built was. So Sat morning the rain started. The hens stayed out in their run and when it got a little heavy went under the coop for protection. As the...
  7. 04SportsterChick

    do you eat your first eggs?

    Thanks for all the info. Tomorrow I should have egg #5 so I see eggs for breakfast in my future. I noticed today a different egg from the first three. So maybe this means another one has started to lay. This one is bigger and not as brown...almost almond color. What did I do before I had...
  8. 04SportsterChick

    do you eat your first eggs?

    My husband remembers when he had chickens as a kid they never ate the first few eggs from the chickens. Has anyone heard this? Was it just his wacky family;)
  9. 04SportsterChick

    Our first egg!!!

    :DWe got our first egg today!! I will post a pict later when I have time. I am so egg-cited!! Too bad we leave for camping today, my mom will get the next few!!!
  10. 04SportsterChick

    Could this be a first egg a'comin

    Well I watched from the window and she staied in the coop for a while. Then they all went in and out. I couldn't wait any longer it had been another 45 min!! NO EGG! So I went to pick my son up and to the store thinking when I got home I will have an egg for sure...still no egg!!! I am...
  11. 04SportsterChick

    Could this be a first egg a'comin

    I couldn't resist I went out and looked and she is sitting in the nesting box!! She just looked at me and I slowly closed the top and left. OH I HOPE I FIND AN EGG!!!! I will let you all know!
  12. 04SportsterChick

    Could this be a first egg a'comin

    So my girls are 22 weeks I have the nesting box in the coop and it doesn't look like it has ever been touched. So I was out cleaning our trailer for our last camping trip before school starts back and I heard them boking louder than I have ever heard before. I looked up toward the coop and...
  13. 04SportsterChick

    Feeding chickens pasta - question

    I have read that some feed their chickens cooked noodles. So my question which I am sorry if it is stupid but I guess we all have to learn one way or another... I have left over penne I was going to give them in the morning. Do I need to chop it up or will they peck at the entire noodle...
  14. 04SportsterChick

    I know its the perennial question but..?

    My girls are 21 weeks today and still no eggs!!! Two of them I have seen squatting when I go to pick them up. I just have to relax and wait but it is so hard!!!!! All their combs and waddles are red and have grown so much. I did put a golf ball in the nesting basket??? I will look again...
  15. 04SportsterChick

    I have a GOAT question

    My mother just bought a new house on 2.75 ac about a mile away from me. She has a huge over grown kennel in her back yard. When I say over grown I mean you can hardly see the fence. We were thinking of a little pygmy goat or two too clean up the kennel. They would of course be pets but a big...
  16. 04SportsterChick

    Do I have to live with the smell???

    Thank you all for the wonderful advice. Guess I need to get a yard or so of sand! It honestly is only bad when it is damp or raining. I wish I could add an addition to give the girls more room. Maybe this fall I can get DH on board and we can ad a few more feet. I just love this site...
  17. 04SportsterChick

    Do I have to live with the smell???

    I have an enclosed coop and run. It's about 8x12 with a raised coop on the end. I clean the coop out and use pine shavings. Well I am sure I am not telling you all anything you don't know that they have eaten all the grass and it is dirt and poo on the ground. I try to rake up the poo as...
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