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    Raising our New Zealand Meat Rabbits *Start to finish - Birth to processing* Possible Graphic pics*

    Thank you so very much! So far the baby is still alive. It's day two now. His belly is constantly very empty, and makes me wonder if she's even actually fed him since she lost all the others. I knew she fed them the first day, because half the kits died with fully, white bellies. If his belly is...

    Raising our New Zealand Meat Rabbits *Start to finish - Birth to processing* Possible Graphic pics*

    Thank you for all your advice, I'm glad someone finally answered my questions haha! But now I have quite a serious dilemma with Libby and her kits. The Tennessee heat got to the litter and killed NINE of them. Now all I have is one kit. I brought the entire nest box inside and he did fine by...

    Raising our New Zealand Meat Rabbits *Start to finish - Birth to processing* Possible Graphic pics*

    My doe, Libby, just had her first litter today, but kind of went about it the wrong way. Instead of making her nest INSIDE the pretty nest box I had bought her, she decided to take out all of the hay and make a nest in the corner of her cage, right on top of the wire bottom. I came out this...

    Rabbit doe made nest on wire

    Today was the due date for my doe, Libby, to have her first litter of kits. I was waiting all week for today to arrive, and when it finally did, I was surprised to find her nest box completely cleared of all hay, and also to find a cute nest of babies in the corner of her cage, all nestled in...

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    Oh boy!! Duckies!! What kind of Gosling is it? :D

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    We have babies!! Our flock consists of white Orpingtons, so I'm trying to figure out how we got black chicks!!

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    They weren't due for lockdown till tomorrow, so they'll be early :D

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    My eggs started hatching!! :D

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    Sorry to hear about the slaughter!! /: I'm happy you're getting new girls though! That's fantastic!! :D
  10. DUCKGIRL89

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    Hahaha! First post of the year! :) So, I put some eggs in the incubator. They're due on the 21st. Is anyone else hatching?
  11. DUCKGIRL89

    What Rabbits Do You Have? Show Off Your Rabbits Here!

    Hello! I have two rabbits! I got my first rabbit for Christmas, and he's a New Zealand White named Taco! He's quite spoiled, though. We go for walks at the park (with a harness and leash) he sits on my lap and we watch TV. He comes from great show quality lines, but I fear that his ears are to...
  12. DUCKGIRL89


    Hello! So, my dad raises rabbits primarily for meat, but since I'm a teenage girl and couldn't keep myself from falling in love with the fuzzy babies, I convinced him to let me take a weaned one home (my parents are divorced, so I only see him on weekends). After I got the New Zealand White...
  13. DUCKGIRL89

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    JULIE!!! HII!! Yeah, I did have to dig, actually haha I spent half the day just trying to recover my account and figure out my password again.
  14. DUCKGIRL89

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    Heyo!! :D Don't believe I was around when you joined, but hello!! :D I haven't been here in so long XD
  15. DUCKGIRL89

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    Me either! Ok, I feel bad now. I remember you, but at the same time, I don't! /: I've been gone way to long. Way, way to long.
  16. DUCKGIRL89

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    I sure do :D he's pretty, to. Got a really amazing deal. I had an Lavender as well, but, lets just say that him and the dog didn't exactly get along the best... I like where you were going with that!! We should meet up so I can let you borrow my gander or something, haha. They'd definitely have...
  17. DUCKGIRL89

    "Quail Thread-Hatching, Mutations, and everything quail related!!!"

    I'm just going to randomly jump in this thread. My dad and I plan on hatching some quail, but have no experience in hatching or raising them. I have had a lot of experience hatching birds such as ducks, geese and chickens, but never quail. What should I know about quail before attempting this?
  18. DUCKGIRL89

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    Sure do! Well, sort of. My mom and I have a flock of White Orpingtons (is that even spelled right?), I have a blue American goose. (she was sold to me as a goose, but I'm thinking its a gander, since I haven't gotten eggs from her at all.) and we have a mallard, who we call Uno. I haven't been...
  19. DUCKGIRL89

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    What else would a 16 year old be doing? Schoolwork. *sigh* I'm currently trying to figure out how to hatch quail eggs for my dad. I'm clueless, to be honest XD
  20. DUCKGIRL89

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    Haven't been here in forever!! Hello, to those who still check in!
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