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  1. beehappy4ever

    Dewlap Talouse or Sebastapol Gosling?

    Due to an egg mishap by my husband not marking eggs I am not sure is these dark goslings are dewlaps or Sebbies. I have grey dewlap talouse in one pen and two white Sebbie girls covered by a white boy and a blue boy (the blue is the dominate one). I didn't think my dewlaps were fertile because...
  2. beehappy4ever

    Arizona Chickens

    It is just a personal preference, the dewlap reminds me of my grandma :D
  3. beehappy4ever

    Arizona Chickens

    Do you know if they are dewlap Toulouse or regular Toulouse? I have Sebbies and they are the most entertaining things to watch. They are better than guard dogs because if anything comes around they squawk like crazy! They don't fight with the chickens but are not bonded to them either. They like...
  4. beehappy4ever

    Arizona Chickens

    I just love these pics! Soooo cute, of course the duckling will be larger than the silkie in a week!
  5. beehappy4ever

    [GRAPHIC PICS]What might have caused this? Do I need to cull them? First aid?[GRAPHIC PICS]

    Sorry about your chickens. I had a cuckoo marans that had gotten sick the same time as a black copper marans hen. They were in isolation together for a week with no issues. I finally moved them back to the big pen but put them inside a Great Dane size dog crate so I knew no one was picking on...
  6. beehappy4ever

    Arizona Chickens

    Does anyone want a free white leghorn (or 2) I have two boys that's are a little over 2 months old and 1 is already crowing! If anyone needs some roosters then I am your new best friend! Besides the white leghorn I have a barnvelder cockerel, basque cockerel (is white), some Easter egger...
  7. beehappy4ever

    Arizona Chickens

    Had to move my silkies into garage, their pen flooded and they looked as happy as a wet cat! I know we need rain but I am sick of it and the mud!
  8. beehappy4ever

    Arizona Chickens

    Mahonri, so sorry for your loss. Anytime a loved one dies it is tragic, passing so young even more so. Sympathies are with you and your family.
  9. beehappy4ever

    Arizona Chickens

    That makes me sad seeing such a pretty cactus fallen over!
  10. beehappy4ever

    PayPal/Hatching Eggs/Chicks Swap

    Mine Australorp and silkies Offer $16 pp Or 6+ basque eggs can ship next week
  11. beehappy4ever

    PayPal/Hatching Eggs/Chicks Swap

    Mine BLRW offer $16 pp
  12. beehappy4ever

    ~~Crazy 24hr Auction~~

    Emvickrey auction #1 - $12 #2 - $10
  13. beehappy4ever

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    When my flock is giving me a hard time because it is 40 out I am going to post your pictures and tell them to stop squawking at me! It makes me cold just looking at them
  14. beehappy4ever

    Arizona Chickens

    There is a 4-H group that is just starting in North Phoenix first meeting is today at at 2pm here is the facebook page
  15. beehappy4ever

    Arizona Chickens

    Exhaustion has officially set in! I hatched chicks on the 21st, most of those have sold except for the ones I am keeping and brooding for pastrymama. Then I got the silkies which are adorable and I am catching the bug so I need a silkie inoculation before it ends up being yet another breed I am...
  16. beehappy4ever

    Arizona Chickens

    I had one hatch today and multiples yesterday. I have Barnyard mixes and true Ameracanas from Pam. The Ameracanas are supper supper cute! I have more going into lockdown on Sunday for BBS Orp and Lavendar Ameracanas. I am going to be at feedbarn tomorrow getting feed so if you need me to meet...
  17. beehappy4ever

    PayPal/Hatching Eggs/Chicks Swap

    What is the current offer or is the swap on hold?
  18. beehappy4ever

    Arizona Chickens

    Glad you like them, they are awfully cute!
  19. beehappy4ever

    PayPal / Hatching Eggs Swap

    Mine Isbar Offer $16 PP or 6 Basque Eggs 1 Rooster over 5 hens 2 orders ahead of this
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