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  1. boxedcow

    Western Massachusetts

    I don't have the buff orpingtons, but my roo is the best one i've ever had. I can pick him up or the girls around him. He had gotten into it with another roo I had (splash) from the same hatch and Rollie let me clean up his face and everything without a single crank. Snoopy my australorp is very...
  2. boxedcow

    Western Massachusetts

    Hi there! I live in Southampton and I've had chickens for umm going on 4 years now. I am up to 16 hens and 1 roo, I've decided not to add anymore for now. The first year I purchased 3 (2 partride rocks and an australorp) from Hatfield Feed and Seed and then got 2 (blue eggers) from a breeder...
  3. boxedcow

    Medical Treatments Recommended by BYCers

    I found this website while looking for recommended dosage time frames for tylan 50 and suggestions for swollen nasal cavity with no other symptoms. I thought it might be of some help? I don't know how accurate the info is but some seems on par with what I have read on here...
  4. boxedcow

    Western Massachusetts

    I found out who and where it is, just incase anyone else local is interested. It is under the name of the Northampton Livestock Auction
  5. boxedcow

    Western Massachusetts

    Is anyone on here familiar with the auction / farmers market that happens in Whately MA? Or anywhere near Southampton for that matter. I am trying to find out more information on it as I have some extra Roos uh like 8 that I need to get rid of. I have a Black Copper Maran, Black / Splash...
  6. boxedcow

    Hatch Along - Setting eggs June 7th.....anyone else?

    Well the 7 that were left did not hatch, the 4 I was sure were going to ended up not :( I am now dealing with a loan chick gasping for air. I am not sure what is wrong with her, she was fine this morning and then all of a sudden my mom went in when she stopped by and said she was gasping. I...
  7. boxedcow

    Hatch Along - Setting eggs June 7th.....anyone else?

    It seems the 14 early birds might be my only birds :( The 7 left in there are not doing anything, not even the ones I know I had seen something in. I am kinda bummed as I only got one blue and one black copper marans if no more hatch. I am trying to stay positive since yesterday was "hatch...
  8. boxedcow

    Hatch Along - Setting eggs June 7th.....anyone else?

    DeannaOR: they are so cute!!! Congratulations :) caj1985: I don't have anything to compare it to, I honestly think I have had pretty good luck with it. It says it can hold up to 24 eggs, while turning it was fine with the 21 in there, but once I laid them down to lock down it was a tad snug...
  9. boxedcow

    Hatch Along - Setting eggs June 7th.....anyone else?

    #14 hatched this morning after a very long night of trying. It kept pushing against the shell this morning but it was having issues so I did help it when I knew everything looked "clear". I basically gave her some more wiggle room and she finally kicked, pushed her way out. I am thinking I...
  10. boxedcow

    Hatch Along - Setting eggs June 7th.....anyone else?

    Oh boy... well I guess I can stop worrying about humidity. All 6 of my hen's eggs have hatched as of this morning! I had come home from work to see the cracks in the shells but figured oh they won't be out until tomorrow or later...1st one at 10pm last night (day 19) woke up to another 4...
  11. boxedcow

    Hatch Along - Setting eggs June 7th.....anyone else?

    I couldn't see in my marans either. It is more at the point now they are black vs. i can't see in them lol. As this is my first time hatching I think i'm just going to leave them alone for now. I also think I am going to keep the vent closed or almost closed to help with the humidity. I have...
  12. boxedcow

    Hatch Along - Setting eggs June 7th.....anyone else?

    Well I just removed the turner and laid down the eggs a couple hours ago. I filled the second channel with sponges as well and filled up the water. Humidity finally got to 60% only after i added a moist paper towel onto the bottom. The vent is only half open to try and get the humidity up. I am...
  13. boxedcow

    The African and Chinese goose thread!!

    We finally got the new "pond" dug in over the weekend and filled it up, one they finally can't touch the bottom in. They are a little skeptical of it still, though the ducks really like it. I managed to snap a pic before they all freaked out lol. Mr. Wiggles is in it along with Jane, but Peaches...
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