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  1. F

    Goatsitting, now owner refuses to get her goats, ignoring me

    You said you were thinking about getting goats anyway. They are already yours. I would feel a little sorry for her if she is in dire straights exept for the fact that she never even came to check on them. If they were my goats and I had no place to keep them, I would still keep in contact...
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    Rocky, my rooster, torn up by huge dog!

    Quote: Thank you. I actually had some prescription strength antibiotic ointment that was prescribed for my daughter. The Dr. said it was 100 times better than Neo. That is what I used and I think it did wonders. We put it on him using a q tip which took forever because the wound was huge...
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    Rocky, my rooster, torn up by huge dog!

    I hope not! I'm sure he does though because when he came in our yard the second time, he got away and was no where to be seen! I am with you on the fence! We don't have a huge yard but we probably have a couple of acres all together and my husband said it would cost about $5,000 to put up a...
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    Jersey Giant - white earlobes???

    Not sure, but I have a JG hen and a roo and they have black ear white at all. She is very pretty!
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    New laying chicken got pasty butt

    I would give her some oyster shell as well. The calcium will help her build stronger shells and it may double as grit to help with the pasty butt. I have only dealt with chicks having it and with that I hold them down in some warm soapy water until it is loose enough to dislodge. Hope she is OK.
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    Rocky, my rooster, torn up by huge dog!

    Yes, I am all for SSS! We only have a BB/Pellet gun and this dog is huge with thick fur! I don't think it would phaze him. We have even considered getting a 22 just for this dog...and the coons too of course! My husband told the ACO to tell the owners that the only reason their dog isn't...
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    coon problem

    Quote: I read "pop them with a .22" just as I glanced over at your avatar...and then I lol'd! Oh, me too! That is so cute! If you get one in your trap and don't want to shoot it, please don't relocate it! I don't know what your laws are, but here we can just load up the trap and take it...
  8. F

    When it Rain Chickens dont go back to coope

    I don't think it would hurt them either. I wouldn't let my little one's out in the rain though. My chickens hate to get wet! You should see them scatter out of the garden when the sprinkler comes on!
  9. F

    Rocky, my rooster, torn up by huge dog!

    Fast forward to a couple of months later...Rocky is almost 100% back to normal! The only thing he is still missing his long tail feathers but I think those are even growing back. On Friday, the same exact dog was back in our yard! Fortunately, my oldest daughter was home and saw it before it...
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    I murdered our best sweetest hen

    That is very sweet. I appreciate all the kind words. I took graham crackers out today and was still looking for her. I keep waiting for her to waddle up to me to get her snack.
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    I murdered our best sweetest hen

    Thank you so much. Each day does get better. Things could have been a lot worse...they could have all gotten sick and died. So far, none of our others show any signs of the disease. I pray it stays that way and we are watching them all closely. I told my more flea mrk...
  12. F

    I murdered our best sweetest hen

    Quote: Thank you. That is EXACTLY what my husband said! I really do think that is what she had. She was sleeping alot and very listless. She had lots of mucus coming from her much that when she would shake her head, it would get on you and her back would stay wet and sticky. Her...
  13. F

    I murdered our best sweetest hen

    Thank you so much to everyone's great advice and kind words. I am trying not to blame myself. My 8 yr. old is still taking it hard. I HATE shopping, but I took her to the mall today just to get her mind off of Babs. I even took her to Sams and offered to buy her a big box of candy bars and...
  14. F

    I murdered our best sweetest hen

    I didn't think about an air bubble! I used to be a phebotomist, you would think I would know how to use a needle, but that was a long time ago. I thought it was the breast. I kept feeling and feeling and it was so hard to tell. She is (was) all feathers and it felt like muscle but may not...
  15. F

    Questions About a Black Bantam Cochin

    I guess each situation is different, but I also have bantam cochins. Mine live just fine along with my Jersey Giants. JG's are very large! My lil cochins look like babies compaired to them. Mine are free range so I believe that makes a difference. They are not "cooped" up together. I think...
  16. F

    I murdered our best sweetest hen

    We suspected our young hen of having Coryza. She had all of the symptoms. After researching on the net, I read that I could give her a shot of pen. I hated to do this, but she was very sick and Duramicin in her water for over 10 days dad had no effect. I had given my roo pen before when he...
  17. F

    Going to Cry :(

    I agree. It may not be as bad as you think, but it is also ok to have a little expectation of what you want on your property for your own flock. I'm sure your dad meant well. My husband is kind of the same way, but I am fortunate that he is a great carpenter and always does it his own way...
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    "Tomato worm"??? - update, it's a Corn Worm

    Yes, that is a corn worm. My daughter and I shucked corn this morning (50 ears) and found 14 of those. Most were just like the one in your photo, and a couple were the same worm, just a little more reddish in color. We actually made it fun. We raced to see which one of us could find the most...
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    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Bairo~ I sincerely appologize if I attacked you. That was not my intention at all. I was just taking up for someone because that is my nature. Please forgive me for my shortcomings and I would never post anything on this site that I thought would cause the thread to get "ugly". I will glady...
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    Bug zapper placement

    Ooooh! Me too! I love most bugs, but I HATE flies most of all! I don't think a zapper will work on flies because they settle down at night. They are a day time pest! Our perfcect solution and one that would be free would be for a colony of bats to move in! I see them occasionally here...
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