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  1. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    multiple roosters

    I have multiple roosters, all of my roosters I hatched via my broody hens. 3 years ago my broody hen hatched out 5 chicks, snakes got two of the chicks when they were pullets. Out of the remaining 3, two were roosters, 1 hen. The next year, my broody hen hatched out 4 chicks, like the year...
  2. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Broody Hen Thread!

    A couple weeks ago, I posted about Miss Ramin, our Banty hen going broody again. She hatched out her first set the first week of May. I did not realize she went broody again till the 12th of Aug., so on Sunday we moved her and the 12 of 20 eggs into the house. The 8 eggs that were around her...
  3. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Broody Hen Thread!

    We had not collected eggs in a couple of days, and they were a bit on the messy side, so I figured she kicked them out for a reason. She would not have had any room for them anyway, she just barely covers the 12. Ramin is sitting on 12 Easter Egger eggs, none of her own. As I gathered them, I...
  4. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Broody Hen Thread!

    My Banty hen Ramin hatched her first set of chicks this season, the first week of May, and stayed with them for 2 months, then went back to the flock. On Saturday, she was sitting in the corner, where all the hens lay their eggs, beside the 4 seater nest box. She was still there Sunday night, so...
  5. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Mine are 2 1/2 months old now, Mama goes to bed with the flock at night, but wants to be with her babies during the day. One of my 2 year old roosters likes to be with them too. I have them in a separate pen for now, want them a little bigger before I cut them loose with the rest of the flock...
  6. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Rooster Stopped Crowing

    Two of my roosters who were brother, would crow in unison. The sons of my head rooster, one crows, one does not crow. Puffles looks like his grandpa, who was a black silkie, he is not as poofy as his grandpa. He grandpa crowed, Puffles is 2 years old, and attempted to crow about a year ago, now...
  7. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Mine remained with her chicks for over 2 months (hatched May 2nd), she started laying about 3 weeks ago. She is having issues....Went back too the main coop last week, her kids are in the grow-out pen during the day, and in the large container at night. Mama comes up to the deck looking for her...
  8. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Too many roosters in the hen house?

    Cotton is at his new home, and I can walk in my back yard without a broom!
  9. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Too many roosters in the hen house?

    Happy Happy Day! Went to the feed store to get layer pellets for the chickens, after picking hubby up from work today, and ask the owner if he know of a place where I could re-home Cotton. He said, sure bring him to me, I have a friend who re-homes them. So Thursday, Cotton will have a new home!
  10. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Too many roosters in the hen house?

    I have 7 hens, 4 roosters, and 6 chicks, yet to be determined. They have a 1/2 acre to free range in. 2 of my roos are brothers, hatched out 3 years ago, from Broody Mama Ramin. Hank is the dominate rooster, and is as gentile as they come, he will take food from my hand, and then call the ladies...
  11. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Mama Ramin, after 2 months and a week and a half, decided it was time to go back to the flock. Found her in the main coop tonight, sitting on the rail, just above my youngest rooster (who she hatched 2 years ago.) So far the 3 young ones are fine by themselves. But it looks like I have 2 more...
  12. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Broody Hen Thread!

    First off how old is your hen & roo? What type of hen is she? Some hens don't go broody. I had Buff Orph that were a year old when they went broody, 2 of my 6 went broody a week apart. I have 5 Easter Eggers, who are 3 years old, and have never been bit by the broody bug. My little Banty hen is...
  13. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Broody Hen Thread!

    More good news, moved Mama outside today, to get fresh air, and put the three siblings together. All are doing well, playing nicely together, Stormy is not being picked on. Brought Mama in a few hours later, and waited to see her reaction to the 3rd chick. Either Mama did not care there was an...
  14. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Hey 16 Paws, She so loves the car! My oldest held her on the way to Choir Summer Camp, and she again was a big hit with the choir girls. Some asked, where did you find the baby bird? I had to tell them she was a chicken, and I helped with her hatch on Sunday. Some girls were a bit confused...
  15. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Hands on hatching and help

    Had to help the little one to hatch on Sunday. It was day 22, and there was just a pip, no zip. After peeling away some shell, the membrane was dry. She also has splayed legs, so they are taped up, but is walking well, just not good enough in my opinion to be put with Mama. But she did have...
  16. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Broody Hen Thread!

    On Sunday, while Hubby and youngest daughter were at the ballgame to celebrate her 9th Birthday. My oldest daughter and I started to check the remaining eggs under Lollie. This being day 22, and the first two chicks hatched on day 18, 2 eggs, no sound no movement, nothing visible using a light...
  17. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Can I take my newly hatched chicks outside in their cage brooder with mama pad at one week old?

    How old are your chicks? After my chicks hatched, they went with Mama into a black kidney shaped water trough, you get from Tractor Supply, with a screen on top. Mine were on the deck in the shade, with lots of water for the first month. The last couple of weeks, they have been moved out for...
  18. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    What goes into raising a friendly roo?

    The rooster I Have in my avatar is Owl, he was a GLW, and was suppose to be a hen. He was held and loved on till he just got too big. When he was figuring out his place, he started dancing around me, I would back him into a corner and tell him that I was the boss, but his job was to make sure...
  19. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Broody Hen Thread!

    I do the same thing with mine, I had 2 broody houses, but over the years they got a bit worn down. So now I just bring Mama in the house. Once the chicks hatch, they get moved to a large black water trough. My issue right now is, my chicks from the first week of May hatch, still use that at...
  20. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Why does it seem all the little black chicks are runts or just down right tiny. Our last chick from our first hatch, was itty bitty (came out of an Easter Egger Egg) She passed after day 4. We now have our second batch hatching, the second chick is another itty bitty black chick, looks just like...
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