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  1. ausash

    coturnix and chicken together?

    I had a little bob white that was hatched in my son's science class last year and when he was born he was born with spraddle and badly damaged legs. Well it was over a week long break and so since I had fixed chicks with this problem before with great success we splinted the cute little guys...
  2. ausash

    Fox attack survivors injured - please help

    Ohio- they are currently locked up but our particular fox likes to come during the day, early morning or later afternoon and seems to know exactly when I leave the house in the morning and is known to hunt around 9:00 am after I have left. Pringle- Oh I am really sure that this is a fox, we...
  3. ausash

    Fox attack survivors injured - please help

    Something went wrong and my electric fence wire got severed and the fox got in. I am now down by 5-6 chickens (including my mama hen that had 4 babies with her, but they are still alive) and I have two that got away but they have gashes along their back that are about 2 inches by 1 inch and...
  4. ausash

    Extra noisy chicks

    I have been hatching chicks for years now and have never had chicks that were as noisy as these ones. They were just born on Friday and they chirp all day long. There are two of them and they are blue/splash jersey giants. It is plenty warm in there, they have feed and water and even a little...
  5. ausash

    Really bad hatch questions

    I am using a LG still air incubator which I clean with dishwashing liquid and then bleach after each use and I do the bottom and the wire mesh each time and then let sun dry. I keep the temps between 99.5-102, they go down a little at night and sometimes in the heat of day go up to close to...
  6. ausash

    Really bad hatch questions

    I have hatched out two batches of eggs so far this spring and both have been horrible. The first hatch I did there were 15 eggs and they were under a broody hen and only 5 of them developed, one died before birth. None of the other eggs even started to develop. The second hatch was a batch of...
  7. ausash

    Lone quail chick

    My son's teacher hatched out quail in March and used my incubator. Well I ended up taking the incubator home with the unhatched eggs and well lo and behold out hatched another 13 chicks. I gave 12 of them back to the teacher to put in with his 12 that hatched at school and ended up keeping one...
  8. ausash

    Lice on Broody hen with chicks

    Thank you for all your answers. I do usually keep DE around and use it in the coops and nesting boxes on a regular basis but I have run out and don't currently have any around and will have to mail order it. My husband said to just use the DE that he uses in the pool but that is not food grade...
  9. ausash

    Lice on Broody hen with chicks

    I have a broody hen who just hatched chicks a week ago and I just discovered yesterday she has what appears to be lice on her breast and wing areas. How do I get rid of this and what harm will it do to the chicks and do I need to treat them also? Thank you for any advice that you can offer me...
  10. ausash

    black inky poo, no eggs

    I hope somebody comes along and answers your question because I was about to ask the same thing. I have just noticed that some of my chickens are having tar black stools and I know they have not been laying for the last month or two and some of them just have not even come into laying time yet...
  11. ausash

    Anyone else's hens quit laying?

    My 5 hens stopped laying about 1-2 months ago and my pullets are around 7 months old and have yet to lay. I have had to resort to buying eggs from the store and am completely baffled by this because I have never had this happen before. I am ready to just scream and have even stopped checking...
  12. ausash

    look who was sitting on my run this morning

    I had one that looked alot like that in my pen today. Unfortunately I came a couple of minutes too late. Even though he killed my poor RIR he did not get away with the booty. On his way out of the pen he perched on my electric fence and managed to get injured and landed back in the chicken...
  13. ausash

    Hen or Roo

    Lisa, Yeah the 4th one is barred (too bad you don't live closer or you could have him) and of course the 6th one is my favorite but oh well life does go on. If the first one is a hen then that makes me happy as it will give me the frizzle I wanted even though I was hoping for more than one...
  14. ausash

    Naked Neck & Frizzle & Silkie eggs / 18 for 20$ / SOLD / from SC

    Off topic here but check out my babies from you on the breed and gender board (hens or roos by ausash). Looks like most of the seven are roos but would love your opinion. Michelle
  15. ausash

    frizzles anyone

    Well too bad you don't live in north Florida and want a roo because I could accomodate that but I know about the loving frizzle thing. I posted my babies on the breed and gender board and turns out that most are probably roos including one (maybe both) of the two that turned out frizzled.
  16. ausash

    Hen or Roo

    Well the first two were the ones I was totally questioning as I was pretty sure that the others were roos as their combs have been larger and really red for a week or two now. So anybody want any roos? By the way BantyChickMom I have a white cochin pullet that looks a lot like yours, she is...
  17. ausash

    Hen or Roo

    Oh please not all of them I was kind of hoping that at least number 1 and number 2 were hens. I so want a frizzle baby. I have a number 7 which is definitely hen but she is handicapped and not frizzled.
  18. ausash

    Hen or Roo

    Okay it did not show up so I will try again with a different photo editing site. Okay way too big, sorry, but hey at least they showed up this time. Michelle
  19. ausash

    Hen or Roo

    Here are my chicks from Lisa and I am wondering if anyone can tell me if they are hens or roos, they are 1 month old and are silkie/frizzle/cochin. I hope that this works when I post the pictures if not I will try again.
  20. ausash

    Missing eggs

    Rafter- nobody was taking care of them but they had plenty of food and their water is hooked up to an automatic waterer that never runs dry and I know that they had water when I came back because I always check and clean out the waterer when I come back and there was water in there. (If we are...
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