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  1. opihiman911

    Kindness of strangers

    Several years, just before Christmas, we had a terrible thunder/lightning storm and our new 5 month old puppy had bolted from the yard and disappeared. I went out the next day and looked around our neighborhood and posted several lost dog flyers offering a reward. Didn't find him. My 4 year...
  2. opihiman911

    Sparrows taking over

    I recently had a problem with sparrows and doves eating my feed. I ended up hanging up several old CDs up in front of the feed bucket and it kept them away. They moved up to the garage roof, so I tied a couple CDs up there. Hanging out in the papaya tree, got 3 CDs hanging in the tree. I've...
  3. opihiman911

    Has anybody tried ultrasonic mouse/rat control in their coops?

    Those are opihis on a bbq. A kind of limpet found here in Hawaii. They are a delicacy here in Hawaii usually served at Weddings, first baby luau, graduations. Very dangerous to collect because they live on rock areas where the waves break onto the sharp rocks. Every year there are a couple...
  4. opihiman911

    Has anybody tried ultrasonic mouse/rat control in their coops?

    I put the rat bars on a bamboo skewer stuck in the ground. That way they can't drag the bar off and no chance of inadvertant poisoning and I can monitor how much has been chewed off and if there is any new population growth. I always keep a couple bars around the backyard coop area just as a...
  5. opihiman911

    Has anybody tried ultrasonic mouse/rat control in their coops?

    make some plaster of paris/peanutbutter/oatmeal/olive oil balls. Equal part PP/PB/OM with just enough oil to make cookie dough consistancy (no water as this will activated and harden the PP). Then roll into a ball then in whatever they are eating like sunflower seed, layer crumble, bird...
  6. opihiman911

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    you can get good quality Moultrie game cams on ebay for around $100 or less I've had the D40 infer red for over 2 years now and works...
  7. opihiman911

    Turkey Hatching Chart

    One of the simplest candlers I've ever made/used is a mag light pressed into the bottom of a full roll of toilet paper. Light only shines up throught the tube, the toilet paper blocks any stray light and eggs sit perfectly on the top of the tube. For a while I even had a dedicated mag light...
  8. opihiman911

    2 chickens side by side hatching turkey eggs - trouble?

    I was given 10 wild eastern turkey eggs to set under a broody hen I have. The day after I gave her the eggs another hen decides to go broody and wants to sit on eggs too. I have a seperate brooding box that I hatch eggs in and the first broody hen is already in there happy as can be. The...
  9. opihiman911

    starting incubation - humidity & other questions

    I just got some eggs today and plan on setting the tonight. My bator has been running consistantly 99.5-100.1 for the last 3 days. The normal humidity around here is always 55-65% year around. Right now my hygrometer says its 58% outside, 55% in the bator. I've hatched chickens before and...
  10. opihiman911

    Tying a dead chicken around their neck

    I agree with having to keep an eye on them and never fully trusting them. I'm always outside with mine when they freerange. But that said I have used this method with both chicken killing and a boot stealing dog and it worked. I disiplined the dog with the dead chicken, rapped him on the nose...
  11. opihiman911

    How to Sedate before Euthanizing?

    While I agree that breaking or chopping the neck is the most quickest, I have never had a "bad" incident when gassing them with carbon monoxide. No fighting, flapping or panic, they just go to sleep. I put them in a big enough water resistant/plasticized bag like a dog or chicken food bag...
  12. opihiman911

    3 pullets died - lead paint poisoning?

    The young ones have been raised by their momma inside the main coop. I have always done that in the past, the mom takes care of any bullies and I've never had any problems. In fact I have less problems raising them in the coop by their mom with the others that i did when I hand raised them and...
  13. opihiman911

    3 pullets died - lead paint poisoning?

    We have been in the process of remodeling our old 1940 plantations style home and have been scraping and chipping old pain off the exterior. We have been very careful to not work around our kids and clean up after ourselves as best as we can. We have tested the old paint and found it to have...
  14. opihiman911

    What is the quickest way to cull chickens?

    Yes, breaking or chopping the neck is the quickest and most painless for the chicken, but not for you. If you are unable to do that and want a less "gruesome" way for yourself, you can gas them. Put the sick hen in an empty dog food or chicken feed bag, short piece of garden hose in the top and...
  15. opihiman911

    I think I have a 2 legged predator

    Quote: Yup, rock salt in the butt is very effective. I got a couple in the butt and back of my leg when I was 9 or 10 and got caught stealing apples and peaches from my grandpa neighbor down the road. Spent a couple hours soaking in the irrigation ditch. I knew it was bad when I went home...
  16. opihiman911

    sunburn hen from getting ridden bare??

    Can a hen get sunburned? I have a young hens that has unfortunately became my BR roo favorite girl and has his way with her several time a day. The poor girl has been ridden bare, so I took her out of the main coop and put her in her own pen along with her best friend who always hang out...
  17. opihiman911

    Eggs in coop for three days still eatible?

    They are absolutely fine. Back 15 years ago after we had Hurricaine Iniki destroy our island, we went almost a month without electricity and we lived out of a cooler. All the eggs we collected from the wild hens sat on the counter for weeks at a time till they got used, never had a bad one ...
  18. opihiman911

    I have a brooding hen and another hen stole her nest???

    Yes, they aren't in a very happy mood when they are broody. Most of it is show though. I can pick my broodies up and get maybe one peck on the hand, they just don't want to be bothered. Letting a momma take care of the babies IS MUCH EASIER. The mom does all the work for you. You can still...
  19. opihiman911

    I have a brooding hen and another hen stole her nest???

    I hope you numbered the original eggs that have been sat on for a week. If not, I would go in and mark all the eggs that are in there right now, so you can identify them. The original eggs will hatch on schedule, the other late eggs will hatch a week later. You can either throw those eggs that...
  20. opihiman911

    NEED HELP - Ugly Introduction

    I agree with building a temporary section that the younger one can escape to. I use an old piece of 6x6 wire farm fencing that I lean against a wooden fence and building, then block off the other end. I put food and water in the enclosed space. When the little ones are getting bullied or want...
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