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  1. Billy-jean

    Chukar as a pet! (Getting to know your chukar) Help needed

    My chukar almost killed two of my doves..very aggressive if they are with smaller birds. Fine with my hens and ducks cause they're bigger,but my sweet doves were almost mulled to death..he's gotta go, never gain,as beautiful as they are,they're certainly are more wild than anything I keep.
  2. Billy-jean

    Ended Coop Page Contest #6 - Win a $50 BYC Store Gift Certificate!

    We converted our gazebo into a coop for our silkies ,turned out amazing!!
  3. Billy-jean

    How do YOU keep goats out of chicken feed?

    I have ths same problem,but it's with the goats getting at the ducks feed.they are kept in separate houses for nighttime,but in the same outside enclosure. so It was hard to find a solution,so I put the ducks feed in a doghouse,and have a fence across the opening/door,,then the goats can't eat...
  4. Billy-jean

    Call Duck color breeding question....

    I have pure snowy calls,,and got a pure white this spring from a hatch...thought it was weird!
  5. Billy-jean

    2 days old,,silkie chick..

    Here is my lone survivor,,she's ,,I think,,buff and has specks of black throughout her,,anyone want to jump in on colors?
  6. Billy-jean

    welcome little silkie!

    yes,I'll post one soon...
  7. Billy-jean

    welcome little silkie!

    Out of all my 6 eggs,,only 1 took,,and here she is...pretty sure it's a buff,,and has spots on her head this am,,now that's she's all dried off :)) Do buff's have spots on them as chicks?
  8. Billy-jean

    lock down question

    hehe I am now using a fondue fork that fits between a small space at the top,,so I push the egg that needs rotating,lol,and all is still kept closed :) Have to be creative right? I'm on day 21 and no action at all from the due chick.. I have a shallow bowl of water with a sponge soaking it...
  9. Billy-jean

    lock down question

    I am now on lock down mode for my 1 single silkie egg..(others never made it,were frozen when I got them,and never took) anyways I added another egg to the incubator making the 2 of them 5 days apart, I am in lock down for the 1st egg,,but I still have to turn the second one 3 times a
  10. Billy-jean

    The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    I am in,,setting my call ducks eggs! Looking forward to this! How fun!
  11. Billy-jean

    de-wormer for ducks

    ok :)
  12. Billy-jean

    what breed are these?

    3 look similar to silver appleyards,,but one looks different from the rest,the black and white one..he looks magpie..definitely mixes,but very beautiful:)
  13. Billy-jean

    Eggs set on 2/11! Who needs a hatch buddy?

    well good luck to you to! I have 1 out od 6 ,LOL,but that one lone chick will be with 2 more with a week after hatching,hope it all goes well,,the 2 new ones I started look good and are veining!
  14. Billy-jean

    Ducks, bedding and water

    This is getting me very excited to have my call ducklings this spring!!
  15. Billy-jean

    Ducks, bedding and water

    I used a solid low ceramic water dish,,and placed it on top of a screened/wired/caged area,,larger than the dish,,that drained into a pan beneath it..never got anything else wet..was great!the ducklings would go up a little ramp to get to the water,,but made for less cleaning !
  16. Billy-jean

    de-wormer for ducks

    I heard some people never worm,,is this safe for them? My oldest duck is 4,,and the others are a bit younger,and I never have dewormed them either,but I had someone tell me I really should every spring and fall. I'm confused...I don't want them overloaded with worms which might cause health issues??
  17. Billy-jean

    thinking of getting ducks- need information

    I Don't advise having ducks loose on the river at all,,like a few others here have said,they won't come back,,or they will most definitely be eaten,and not only at night,,daytime poses great risks as well. I have 7 ducks 3 large breeds and 4 call ducks(mini) I LOVE my ducks and could never...
  18. Billy-jean

    Eggs set on 2/11! Who needs a hatch buddy?

    Being cold winter here,,a few of mine must have been too cold when I brought them inside,and never made it in the incubator..
  19. Billy-jean

    Eggs set on 2/11! Who needs a hatch buddy?

    I set my silkie eggs and are due March 2nd! so we;re close..unfortunately only 1 made it through though :/ I added 2 more fertile eggs 7 days after the 1st batch since I only got 1 sadlonely fertile egg. so mine will be 7 days apart in age,not too bad..good luck!!
  20. Billy-jean

    de-wormer for ducks

    I want to deworm my ducks this spring,and wondered what other people use? I have ivermectin pour on,and have DE in their feed for life..what else can I use?
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