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  1. vancouver chicks

    backl feather loss

    No rooster. We are not allowed to keep roosters in Vancouver.
  2. vancouver chicks

    backl feather loss

    hi - I have 8 girls of various breeds. My Red Copper Maran, is loosing feathers from her tail up along her spine. This is not happening with the other 7 or the other Maran. She is about 1 year old. I can see no evidence of the others picking at her. It has gotten to the point where her spine...
  3. vancouver chicks

    Comment by 'vancouver chicks' in item 'Coturnix Quail'

    Yes, you could. But I couldn't!
  4. vancouver chicks

    Comment by 'vancouver chicks' in item 'Orpington'

    When I first got them they were so tiny that 4 of them fit onto a tea cup saucer. They lived in a portable hutch in my kitchen where I could maintain the temperature and keep them draft free. The draft free is very important. The hutch is plastic on the bottom and the plastic goes up about 4" up...
  5. vancouver chicks

    Review by '' on item 'Orpington'

    I bought 4 - 3 days old chicks. They lived in my kitchen until old and large enough to move outside with a heat source. I live in Vancouver Canada where the nights are cold even in the summer. Of the 4, 3 have survived. The runt lived for about 4 months then just quit eating and died. She...
  6. vancouver chicks

    Review by '' on item 'Chinese Painted(Button)'

    Adorable little birds. I have a pair and plan to incubate the eggs this spring. They are very amusing and jump around but are quite quiet. They leap into the air when startled so make sure their cage is secure. They do not roost at night so once they are out of the cage they won't come back and...
  7. vancouver chicks

    Review by '' on item 'Coturnix Quail'

    A very amusing energetic bird, I have now have them hand trained but it took a lot of time and patience. Very high strung and nervous. Hops very high and takes off when startled. Lays almost daily. The eggs are about the size of a thumb nail. Look great boiled and put whole into salads or as...
  8. vancouver chicks

    Ended 120,000 BYC Members? Guess the HOUR & Win!

    I'm going to go for: 3/16/2012 6:30 pm I'm from Vancouver BC Canada and have 10 pretty chicks. I am currently in Zihuatanejo Mexico where the chickens do not have coops and roost in the trees at night. It is quite a site - a tropical tree full of chickens and roosters!
  9. vancouver chicks

    How Long Have You Been Raising Chickens? - OLD

    I started raising chicks to amuse my grandson. NOW they have taken over my life. I love my girls. Every morning when I go out as soon as they hear my voice they come running to see me (I tell myself it has nothing to do with the treats I feed them) I have a serious case of Chick adoration. 4...
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