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  1. MGG

    Surviving Minnesota!

    It poured here today and we lost power. I really hope the weather man is right about Saturday 🤞
  2. MGG

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Omg, lol! This is the most perfect example I've ever seen. :lau
  3. MGG

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Sorry. Can't beat this. :plbb
  4. MGG

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Y'all should move to SD. It's just the best, there's nothing more I can say. :)
  5. MGG

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Nope, it's gorgeous out. We drove through Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa today though and it was raining like crazy the whole time.
  6. MGG

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Just popping in. All of our sloughs are opened up and birds are coming back! There's snow geese and, Ralphie's favorite, dux, everywhere! Seems like spring is finally coming. Here's our forecast.
  7. MGG

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Oh she had beautiful birds!!!
  8. MGG

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Awesome! My favorite thing to catch up here are Pike. They put up one heck of a fight. We've caught some 40+ inch ones.
  9. MGG

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Thanks! Not too far, most places on the MN border are about an hour from me. We go through MN quite a bit. Haha! Certainly not any physically hot ones 🤣 But there are a couple within 10 minutes from me that are pretty great for fishing. I mostly only fish in the spring though, lol.
  10. MGG

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Hi everyone! I'm your neighbor, haha. I live in South Dakota. Since there isn't an active SD thread, do y'all care if I join this one?
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