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  1. emkawa

    Surviving Minnesota!

    thx so happy for Ginger (the chicken ) :) my daughter doecorated the boxes in flowers and she is estatic.
  2. emkawa

    Surviving Minnesota!

    It happened!!! FIRST EGG!!!
  3. emkawa

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Oh my Goodness fellow Minnesotans BYC is a huge site! I can see I am at the bottom of the pecking order For sure!!!
  4. emkawa

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Awe - I'm getting all Chooked up :lol:
  5. emkawa

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Yea i was thinking maybe just the roof, my coop is a lean to style so i thought just one sheet and then cover w feed bags or 1/8 in plywood. if we don't have lots of snow and it gets super cold (like it always does :rolleyes:) i don't want to have a flock of popsicles!
  6. emkawa

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Hi duluthralphie! Yes rhubarb does grow here, plentifully! and I am an avid gardener! Lots of flowers and a few veggies - need more sun with all the mature trees veggies can be tough on our property. the BANANA belt!!!??? I feel so un- Minnesotan that i have NO idea what that is???!!!o_O
  7. emkawa

    Surviving Minnesota!

    i was curious about the possibility of mouse nests. Any one JUST insulate the roof ? or is that a waste of time?
  8. emkawa

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I replied above, i believe, just trying to get the hang of the BYC site. SOOOO much information and navigation has quite the learning curve ( for this user :p )
  9. emkawa

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Im so so so Excited!
  10. emkawa

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Hi Cluckies & other Minnesotans :frow!!! Our little flock is 2 Barred Rocks, 1 Welsummer, 1 Black Australorpe, 1 White Leghorn, 1 Gold Laced Wyandotte, 1 Easter Egger & 1 ISA Brown. The coop "La Luna Amarillo" I modified after getting it home. We were originally going to keep 4 birds and...
  11. emkawa

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Hello Fellow Minnesotans! Im new here! Ive got an 8 bird flock in Minnetonka and so excited for my first egg!
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