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  1. Shugercube

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    I believe sour crop would fall under digestive obstructions, which is a reason NOT to tube feed. I’m definitely not an expert though. Maybe @casportpony can chime in
  2. Shugercube

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    He’s at 692 this morning, empty crop pre-tube. So 23g gained in 4 days, an average of 5.75g a day. Does that sound about right? Too low? I’m assuming he shouldn’t necessarily have the same rate of gain as a growing chick, since he was mostly fully grown already. Just don’t know what a good...
  3. Shugercube

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    I did mean to ask though- is there a certain daily weight gain goal when they’re sick like this? Like he should gain x% of his weight back each day, or even just a fixed amount per day, or anything like that? Or just as long as he’s gaining and not stagnant or losing weight?
  4. Shugercube

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    Looking only though, he LOOKS like a 3- he has “cleavage” hahaha . And though he’s been nibbling all afternoon, his crop was almost empty so I topped him off before putting him up for the night. Leaving dry crumbles in with him so he can eat and drink as much as he wants/is able. But being so...
  5. Shugercube

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    Hmm after feeling really carefully I’d say he’s probably at a 1 still 🙁
  6. Shugercube

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    He does feel pretty light. But I also don’t handle him under normal circumstances so I don’t have much to compare to. His keel was very pronounced a few days ago, like I could SEE it through his feathers. It’s not that bad now, although I can still feel it easily.
  7. Shugercube

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    And here’s his latest poo, in case you need/want to see it lol. It’s a bit on the firmer side now I think, and still a bit greenish.
  8. Shugercube

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    Roughly 18-19 weeks. And he’s a Sebright so definitely on the smaller side
  9. Shugercube

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    Well, Yes and no. I keep forgetting to weigh him BEFORE I tube for the first time each day, so my numbers aren’t exact. I don’t know what he was before he got sick, but Saturday morning he was 669g, and that WAS with an empty crop in the morning. Today he was ~686g (I forgot to weigh before...
  10. Shugercube

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    Hey @casportpony sorry one more question! my roo is starting to perk back up, and while he does WANT to eat, he’s still having trouble actually getting the food into his mouth. It’s slightly better with moistened crumbles/mash but is still quite a long process for him. Should I continue...
  11. Shugercube

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    Look better?? I don’t feel any rough/sharp edges, but figure a second set of eyes can’t hurt!
  12. Shugercube

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    Ha you responded faster than i could type ;) I will try to round it up a bit! Thank you
  13. Shugercube

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    Maybe the edge of the end scratched him some? It’s not rounded like a cath is, maybe that’s the issue. It’s just what I was able to find quickly and locally, I do have catheters on order but obviously takes time to get them delivered.
  14. Shugercube

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    Sure. It’s just 6mm airline tubing, so equivalent to an 18 french. Also shown on the paper towel is the little streak of blood I wiped off of it, so you can get an idea how much it was.
  15. Shugercube

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    Thank you, so do I! I’m 99% sure it’s Marek’s at this point, but I’m going to try to help him recover anyway. I figure if he survives this, he’s one strong roo! Another question- this last time tubing there was a small tinge of blood on the tube when I pulled out. Is this normal, or did I hurt him?
  16. Shugercube

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    Thanks so much for your help!! You’re awesome! ❤️
  17. Shugercube

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    Thank you!! I’m prepping for a second tube of fluids now. Should his crop be completely empty before I do this? I feel like there’s still a little in there.
  18. Shugercube

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    I tried it, and I *think* I did it right! I tubed 20mL and no gasping or choking and I can feel it in his crop! But I have one more question- I’m only at step 3 in your initial post, waiting for the hour to pass before I give next round of fluids. It says if no poop after 3 hours of initial...
  19. Shugercube

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    @casportpony thank you for this thread! I have a question I haven’t found an answer to. Is it possible to accidentally insert tube too far in a chicken? not far enough?? I’m wanting to try tubing as a last resort for my copper as he’s still hanging on but I can’t get enough into him doing what...
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