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  1. Whimsy

    Kentucky people

    I just got a call and my DE is in. Guess I will know how much it is tomorrow. The only other place in Hardin Co. is the mill and they sell it by jugs for around 15.00 (not sure how much they weigh) Rineyville Feed could order it for 50.00 a bag so to me 32.00 a bag is better. I am splitting...
  2. Whimsy

    Kentucky people

    I think I have found a source for food grade DE in Hardin County. Cecilia Farm Services said that they could order a 50 pound bag for around 32.00. I think if more of us asked they would stock it all the time.
  3. Whimsy

    Kentucky people

    Greetings: I have a few BCM cockrels I would like to rehome. They were born in the first week of September out of 5 chicks three are boys . I live close to Etown. Just PM me if you are interested. Mari
  4. Whimsy

    Kentucky people

    Quote: They are beautiful..have always been my favorite breed..good luck with the litter and would love to see pictures. Oh my I just checked out your site....I love the canaries, they are beautiful.
  5. Whimsy

    Kentucky people

    Picture of the new babies, I had 6 out of 8 shipped eggs hatch. The hen is a Black Wyndotte and the chicks are BCM's. Momma is so gentle she lets me sit in the pen and pick up the babies, she will walk over to let me scratch her neck.
  6. Whimsy

    Kentucky people

    Quote: We would definitely be interested in a local meetup. We have two Americauna/EE cockerels that will need new homes in the next month or two, so it'd be fun to see who else is around. Count me in too...
  7. Whimsy

    Kentucky people

    Quote: I may have some on Tuesday I live in Cecilia..Email me so I remember (goodness that is two days away )
  8. Whimsy

    Kentucky people

    Quote: I don't think you'll be any worse off than VA. We sound like the wild frontier. Granted, I have invested in a nice live trap to catch those juvenile racoon hooligans who have been sniffing around lately. We take them to the back of the farm dispose of them there. We have flight...
  9. Whimsy

    Kentucky people

    Quote: ou'ss find lots of great info and great people here. I am from Cecilia.
  10. Whimsy

    Kentucky people

    Quote: Just came back from there...not too many chickens today lots of ducks. We try to get there about 7:30 Hardin Co time.
  11. Whimsy

    Kentucky people

    Quote: All was well this morning, the two young ones perched next to the marans like they had always been there
  12. Whimsy

    Kentucky people

    I have been tying to figure out how to move my two little ones hatched in May into the big coop. They are bantams so I was scared they would get hurt etc. Tonight DH and I went to a meeting and came home after roost time..Amazing the two babies were perched right next to the pullet age hens...
  13. Whimsy

    Kentucky people

    Quote: He is the opposite of my D 'uccle, but I love the barred ones.
  14. Whimsy

    Kentucky people

    Quote: I'll pm you over the weekend so we can figure out where and what time the pick up will be. Thanks Theresa Here are pictures of the bantams. The barred are a cross of a Barred Cochin and a D 'Uccle, the little black roo a cross of a black cochin and my D' Uccle rooster If you do...
  15. Whimsy

    Kentucky people

    Quote: I usually google food grade DE and choose the site that has the cheapest shipping for 50#. Usually, the shipping is equal to the price of the DE. About $50 total. For us who live in Hardin County...Rineyville feed store will get it in for you. I would love to find someone to share...
  16. Whimsy

    Kentucky people

    Quote: Welcome
  17. Whimsy

    Kentucky people

    Quote: That would be so much fun, getting to meet more of you in person. My place is not large enough to host but I would be willing to help someone plan it.
  18. Whimsy

    Kentucky people

    I need to downsize quickly, I started a part time job that has turned into a 4 day a week 9 hour a day job!( I love it and love working again) Something has got to give and I just really have too many chickens to fool with now. They are all pullets ranging from 12 weeks to 10 months. I have 3...
  19. Whimsy

    Kentucky people

    Morning, Hope everyone came through the storms OK. I have a few young birds I would like to sell (chicken math got the best of me!) The are all pullets I have EE's a Maran (BCM) they are all about 14 weeks old. I would like 5.00 for the EE's and 7.00 for the Maran. Also have a black Cochin...
  20. Whimsy

    Kentucky people

    Quote: Greetings from Cecilia KY
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