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  1. Mylied

    HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

    That is really interesting. Beautiful birds!
  2. Mylied

    HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

    What do you mix to get red sexlink easter eggers?
  3. Mylied

    HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

    How strange. Is the weird part on the air cell side or the pointy side?
  4. Mylied

    HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

    Beautiful babies and mom!
  5. Mylied

    HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

    Wow, how strange. Their poor cold tushies.
  6. Mylied

    HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

    Does that black one in the middle have a naked tush or is it not finished drying? Sorry that your little guy gave up. Good luck on your other two pippers!
  7. Mylied

    HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

    I have those! You can get them cheaper than 33 dollars. My tractor supply had them for like $20.
  8. Mylied

    HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

    He started standing and walking around this morning. :) I have had a lot of learning experiences since starting in with farm animals. Too many sometimes. :-D I'm going to start giving my hens BOSS again. I was before, but just hadn't picked it up lately. I figure it doesn't hurt and they like it.
  9. Mylied

    HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

    No splayed legs. The yellow one is walking around. The black is still sitting on its bottom, flailing its legs and wings about. I tried to put it in a chick cup, but it was freaking out and I didn't want to stress it more.
  10. Mylied

    HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

    I posted more on my other thread, but here are the two chicks that made it. They are having some leg problems, but I'm working on it. I already gave them vitamins. They sure are pretty babies, but I'm going to have to think long and hard if I want to do this again. I definitely learned some very...
  11. Mylied

    HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

    Things went down the pooper with this hatch and I've started a new thread, if anyone wants to give some advice.
  12. Mylied

    HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

    It's been like that since this afternoon... It's alive and peeping.
  13. Mylied

    HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

    Thanks for the sympathy. How do the other three look? They pipped about 6 or so hours ago. I feel like they are doing good and there is a little condensation on the incubator, so I think the humidity is good. They are funny. When I cheer them on, they start pecking more. I really haven't been...
  14. Mylied

    HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

    Hopefully that's all the last three are doing. :)
  15. Mylied

    HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

    It died in the shell. I opened it to see if I could tell what went wrong.
  16. Mylied

    HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

    It's beak was turned back in the shell with it's nostrils covered up. I'm thinking it could have suffocated because it wasn't even pipped all that long. I did increase my moisture in the incubator in case it was too dry. The humidity has been a pain since lock down. All the other three are...
  17. Mylied

    HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

    The first one to pip last night died. It was cheeping when I went to class at 9 and I didn't hear it at 1 when I got home. It pipped face down. I don't think it could turn in the egg because it was a small egg. Any other thoughts? Two more pipped and I'm worried for them. I put in a warm wet...
  18. Mylied

    HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

    So one of my little eggs pipped a little bit ago. It's rocking around and peeping a bit. The other three aren't doing anything and I don't see pips on them. They were rocking last night and some today. Should I be worried they've stopped rocking without a pip? I know there's nothing much I can...
  19. Mylied

    HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

    Thank you! This is my first time keeping a rooster (besides a little bantam I had), so I'm still learning how they work. I think my guy is 7 or 8 months old. He doesn't have any competition for his 13 ladies.
  20. Mylied

    HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

    Ok. Let me be dumb for a minute. What's the difference between a rooster and a cockerel? Does their fertility go down in the fall?
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