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  1. TwoCrows

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    Yes it's hard to beat when it's all inherited, the brain chemistry will always be off. And of course a poor environment growing up doesn't help or set us on a good path in life. So we struggle. But I am glad you are better on the meds! If you ever need a shoulder, you can always PM me, we can...
  2. TwoCrows

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    I didn't want to try any new drugs although they were offered. I can't say I am better off them but I'd rather not take anything. I suppose if they made me feel normal, I would have stayed on them. :D I think it's just the way we are wired up, some people look positively on life, others see it...
  3. TwoCrows

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    Great that you found what works for you! Sometimes we have no choice. Don't try to be perfect, just do the best you can for you, don't compare yourself to anyone else, just be you. :hugs
  4. TwoCrows

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    I was on anti anxiety and anti depression drugs for a while, they made me much worse, near suicidal. I got off them, withdrawal from these drugs can nearly kill you. Try to forgive yourself, only we are keeping score, no one else is. :hugs
  5. TwoCrows

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    It's very difficult to harness the mind, it takes a strong person to reprogram it and when a person is depressed, it becomes even harder. :(
  6. TwoCrows

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    I do both, over think current things, however looking back on the past sends me spiraling. I just can't go there. :D
  7. TwoCrows

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    We will get through it, eventually. :D One of my problems is I think too much, over analyze everything. Pushes me deeper into darkness. I am working on not letting myself go there, taking better care of myself too. And keep breathing deeply, shallow breathing will send your anxiety and...
  8. TwoCrows

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    Hard to breathe, can't think, everything looks negative, anxiety off the charts, you wish you were...well you know. It's difficult to shake off, fair days, bad days, you nailed it with the word "prison". You are not alone in this struggle. :hugs
  9. TwoCrows

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    Depression is crushing sometimes, it squeezes the life right out of your soul, as if someone is sitting on your chest. :hugs I've been there.
  10. TwoCrows

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    Hmmm.....It's probably a glitch in the software somewhere. If it continues, post in our website feedback forums so our BYC techies can fix it. :)
  11. TwoCrows

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    Are you guys having troubles with double posts? I posted a few minutes ago and didn't have any issues, let me see how this post goes.
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