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  1. DukesDucks

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Oh the picture of crocus is just mean. Still I am better off than my sister who lives in the interior of British Columbia. She sent me a picture of their laneway where the snow is 12ft high. I like snow but not that much.
  2. DukesDucks

    Granny's gone and done it again

    All this chat about your flowers coming up would depress me if I didn't have maple syrup season to look forward to.
  3. DukesDucks

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Last evening I had settled down with a glass of wine and Netflix. Sudden area wide power failure at 9:30pm. Too early for bed but not many options. Came back on at 3:45am just long enough to wake me up by the lights I forgot to turn off. Seems ok this morning. So today's list has been...
  4. DukesDucks

    Granny's gone and done it again

    March weather can be pretty iffy here. Might have a warm spell followed by another dump of snow. By April I can be fairly sure of warming weather. The 'rule' here is not to plant before the May long weekend which is May 24th this year. Just in time for the pesky no-see-ums to be followed by...
  5. DukesDucks

    Granny's gone and done it again

    My pony was a surprise birthday gift, from my children, 5 years ago. He is now 20 years old. He used to be a schooling horse so some people mistakenly think he must be very good. In fact he has acquired lots of tricks to scare children into never wanting to ride him again. My daughter and...
  6. DukesDucks

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Should have I did my list first. First item was catch up on byc. There. Cross that off. That was as far as I got on my list.
  7. DukesDucks

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Well I got two things done today. 1. Caught up with this thread 2. Made a list of the things I things I should be doing. Lists help me get motivated even if includes mundane things like clean a bathroom, sweep the kitchen. Feels good as I cross them off. All this talk of signs of spring...
  8. DukesDucks

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Well I did ask. Actually I like snakes but more the garter snake variety.
  9. DukesDucks

    Granny's gone and done it again

    what's a 'pinky'? Still catching up with this thread so also what's a Rotini?
  10. DukesDucks

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I wonder if it is more difficult being an older teacher coping with this new technology, or a brand new teacher. Here it has been mostly remote learning but what to do when our internet is touchy at best, large families with one computer, parent(s) also trying to work. Darn - the letter b on my...
  11. DukesDucks

    Granny's gone and done it again

    A Kong bar is a doggy chew toy made by the Kong company. Shaped like a large bone. Chewed in half in a very short time. I do use a Kong thing you can put treats in. This dog hasn't yet figured out the trick so I smear peanut butter in. My daughter's dog learned to drop his Kong treat thing...
  12. DukesDucks

    Granny's gone and done it again

    My young GSD was chewing through everything I tried. Kong bar lasted 15 minutes. I found GoughNuts dog toys. He loves them, satisfying chewing, and no signs of rips or tears. Expensive but cheaper than buying several of other brands, and safer.
  13. DukesDucks

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Wait. What. You have cafes that are open with actual people in them.
  14. DukesDucks

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Yes my GSD has stopped chewing on his legs. That happened within a week of my getting him. Now he is 90 lbs of love, looking to please and learn, and loves a good romp in the snow.
  15. DukesDucks

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I'm assuming you meant pro was caused by squirted with hose. The story I got from Humane Society was the dog was brought in by the mother. It had been bought on a whim by family after seeing a sign Puppies for sale at the end of a farm lane. She was tired of the dog being left chained out in...
  16. DukesDucks

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I think the my GSDs previous problem with apartment living was lack of exercise. He had stress issues which came out by his chewing the fur off his front ankles. Now he has 50 acres to play on. That mutt rescue I previously mentioned did have issues like many rescues. For her whole life, 14...
  17. DukesDucks

    Granny's gone and done it again

    New to this thread and going to jump in. I have had dogs all my life. My favourite was one I adopted from Humane Society when she was 3 years old and a fat tub of a dog. She had a German Shepherd base but there must have been lots of other contributors to her family tree. When someone asked...
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