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  1. AudieH

    Any other hawaiians out there?

    We do have tents and even hammocks. Some of the guys have to use them while working on cutting trails up the mountain. That way they don't have to hike all the way back down everyday. It is a brutal climb, but hopefully once they are done it will be a better hike. I have not even made it all...
  2. AudieH

    Any other hawaiians out there?

    Audie is going to find us chicken orphans at her doorstep lol. Hana is dreamy. Speaking of off the grid. Fairly affordable acreage in Kapaa because no infrastructure happening... yet? We are looking into. Waiting on call from realtor. Interesting... ;) I am totally up for off the grid living. We...
  3. AudieH

    Any other hawaiians out there?

    808momof4, It does feel like living a dream at times. So much so, I wonder how the heck we ever even landed here with this amazing opportunity. I love pygmy goats. Had lots of breeder friends back in Texas through my chinchilla connections that also had pygmies. Such fun animals. You saw...
  4. AudieH

    Any other hawaiians out there?

    We have almost 200 acres and yup, it is all wild. Nothing has really been done with this piece of property in 40+ years so the jungle has reclaimed most of it. It was a cattle ranch many many years ago then more recently they grew taro and a few other things, but most of that is long gone now...
  5. AudieH

    Any other hawaiians out there?

    We can only get satellite internet, but it is pretty decent. Maybe even more so than our cell service. For now we are 100% off grid. We drive large water tanks into Kahalui about once a week or so for personal use and use a large generator for power. Our solar system should be getting...
  6. AudieH

    Any other hawaiians out there?

    Thank you for the welcome TropicalBabies! First I have to say your "unfortunate looking" offspring is epic and I love him!!!! But I am one of those people that like unusual of not down right odd looking things. :) We do have further expansion plans laid out but are in a sort of temporary...
  7. AudieH

    Any other hawaiians out there?

    Aloha Everyone! I am both new to Hawaii and also chickens. We moved to Kipahulu (near Hana) on Maui about a year and a half ago. We started with 10 baby chicks in October of last year and have 2 each of 5 different breeds. Rhode Island Red, Plymouth Rock, Ameraucana, Leghorn, and Buff...
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