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  1. RareBreedFancier

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Loving the pics, here's a couple I borrowed from the web... Dark or Colored hen This might be the one mentioned with the silver looking roo Looks like I have about 8 eggs developing and another 6 to go in as well as whatever is laid over the next few days. My double yolker is still...
  2. RareBreedFancier

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Well I have good news, bad news and interesting news. Good news is I have more eggs in the incubator, going to candle the latest batch tonight to see how many are developing. Interesting news is the double yolker is developing and was looking good last time I checked it. Bad news is I lost...
  3. RareBreedFancier

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Welcome to the thread Joyous! Beautiful birds, I particularly love the cuckoo, one of my favorite patterns on my favorite breed. Thank you for posting them.
  4. RareBreedFancier

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Pretty much if they are laying, they can go broody. It's just not a peak broody time as many hens take the winter off laying but Dorkings are usually pretty good winter layers so it does happen. If you still have snow around I'd look for your hen under something or tucked in somewhere under...
  5. RareBreedFancier

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Hi Lino, Thank you for that link, there are some lovely pics on there. I'm surprised your hen is broody when it's so cold, brrrr! It rarely drops below freezing here. One of the reasons I chose Dorkings is because they will go broody and raise their own chicks. I never thought I'd get an...
  6. RareBreedFancier

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Protein - 21.4%? Wow! That's much higher than I expected. I'll have to look up WinFeed, I'd like a program like that. I know what you mean with the Chem, that's why I gave up trying to be a Vet too. :( So now I'm just a hobby farmer. :) Mind you, with all these critters being a vet sure...
  7. RareBreedFancier

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Oh good idea! Getting the mill to calculate it would be much easier than doing it all by hand like I do. :lol: I'm used to doing it myself for horse feed mixes and there is no local mill here so I didn't think of that. :) That feed formulation program sounds interesting, what's it called?
  8. RareBreedFancier

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    :welcome Dorkings! Those are some beautiful birds! :D
  9. RareBreedFancier

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    :welcome Blessedacre! Never seen that recipe before, certainly a nice range of ingredients. :) Your buying a bucket for each part right? So 20 buckets? Using only half of some? (Kelp, DE and peanuts) I calculate that would be only just over 2 big barrels. (55gal barrels/drums I believe you call...
  10. RareBreedFancier

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    :welcome Lino! Your English is very good, certainly better than my German! :lol: Interesting to see the different weights around the world. Those are terribly low registered numbers, very sad when I looked at the site and most colors have less than 10 registrations for the year. :( I hope there...
  11. RareBreedFancier

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Oh I didn't use a bag, I wouldn't have been popular! :lol: I use bathroom digital scales and an airline dog crate since my cat crate isn't big enough. I weighed the crate empty and then with a bird in it, subtract the known weight of the crate and tada! Easy chicken weighing. :D
  12. RareBreedFancier

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    I'm back from weighing! Thank you Yellow House, will be interesting to see. :D I'm very disappointed in the body condition of my birds, the extreme hot weather has affected them more than I thought. My poor hen who just got of the nest a few days ago (blue band) is terribly thin. :( I need to...
  13. RareBreedFancier

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    I'm going to have to weigh mine, 8lbs and 6lbs for Silver greys? That is 3.6kg and 2.72kg respectively which I can imagine mine being close too. However, the Australian Standard calls for mature hens to weigh 3.6-4.55 kg, while roosters should weigh 4.55-6.35kg. That's 8lb - 10lb hens and 10lb -...
  14. RareBreedFancier

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Structure first, then details. I'd grab those birds, size is hard to find. :D Karen, I love it! Good luck with your plans. :D
  15. RareBreedFancier

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Sorry Lisa, I should have said I found my Dorking roos were fine with each other, they just get beat up by the other roos. I've sadly lost my other two so am down to just one temporarily. Yellow house is right, you want at least two roos for biodiversity and because if you only have one and...
  16. RareBreedFancier

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    :welcome blessedacre! Dorkings are perfect for what you have in mind. :D It is possiable to have brown egg layers with Dorkings, I have both here at the moment. You will most likely find with that many hens though not all the hens will go broody at once. I only have 3 hens and have only ever...
  17. RareBreedFancier

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Well looks like your roos have the situation under control. :D I'm sure my big roos would look after their ladies but I wasn't so sure about the banties. Guess it's just a matter of the roo's teaching the cats to have some respect. ;) Funny you have a Fuzzbutt, I have one that goes by that...
  18. RareBreedFancier

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Karen, you said you were going to free range your bantam Cochins, do you have cats around? I'd love to free range my cute mutts (they make great broodies) but I'm pretty sure my cats would be delighted with that situation. :/
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