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  1. heritagehabitatfarms

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    I suspect he is just a really busy man and u got lost in the shuffle of life... unfortunately very few breeders do this for a living so they have to work the "Chicken thing" around there very busy lives... so when u are a customer that is used to big company costumer service and big box stores...
  2. heritagehabitatfarms

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    i read a university study a few years ago (sry link was on my old now dead computer) that said that temperament was 25% inheritable... Meaning that if u used a mean rooster over calm hens 25% of the offspring would be mean... yes I'm simplifying it lol... so u should be able to breed it out in 2...
  3. heritagehabitatfarms

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    I am a little behind on this thread and wanted to reply to this... The UofA has red Dorkings now... i think just 5 to 8 adults that are laying and he is setting almost all there eggs to build his numbers but i have seen a few Eggs sneak out of his egg room...
  4. heritagehabitatfarms

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    that is very cool... I think you should work with them and see what you can get... they would be your own strain of Cuckoo's and as bad of shape as they are in they would pro do the cuckoo's a lot of good with yours being half YHF...
  5. heritagehabitatfarms

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    i think most small flocks have or carry something or the other... Around here its foul pox i have not seen a flock in this area that does not have it and most ppl have no clue... our State extension poultry specialist showed us pic's of a bio secure facility... Roofed over run with 2 fences 3 ft...
  6. heritagehabitatfarms

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    i have been following your project from the start and am really glad to see you working with the blacks... when i get Dorkings that is the color i would like to start with... can u post some pic's of yours??? i dont remember seeing any pic's of blacks sense they where young birds... keep up the...
  7. heritagehabitatfarms

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    idk someone on another breed thread just like this one just got banned for saying they had a breed and would have some for-sale later on... so i guess if it is against the rules pro if no one reported it u would be fine... but if someone reports u then u are in trouble...
  8. heritagehabitatfarms

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    u want yellowhousefarm's birds trust me on that lol...
  9. heritagehabitatfarms

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    thats what all those extra roosters are for lol...
  10. heritagehabitatfarms

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    your setup is looking great where did u get the blacks from??? you might consider getting a cuckoo rooster to put over the black hens if u cant find a black roo... tho you might get some good blacks from a white rooster as the white is recessive... i know YHF has said they used silver gray...
  11. heritagehabitatfarms

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    are you keeping them for breeding???
  12. heritagehabitatfarms

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    are the ones u hatching straight comb or rose???
  13. heritagehabitatfarms

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    thanks i forgot about them...
  14. heritagehabitatfarms

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Ok who has Cuckoo Dorking's and does any one know if the ones that are around are straight comb or rose??? thanks For the Help... Elias
  15. heritagehabitatfarms

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    yes most chickens go threw a teenager stage where there bones grow faster then the muscle to fill them out do... so they will look tall and skinny for a month or 2...
  16. heritagehabitatfarms

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    it is best to keep the color's separate... BUT some ppl don't if you ordered all 3 colors and then ended up with males of one color and females of another color... and you bred them together then u get messed up colors for generations to come... and when you have a couple hundred dollars tied up...
  17. heritagehabitatfarms

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    if you go to there website he says they are a breed preservation farm not a breeder... i think as a general rule all of his birds are better than a normal hatchery but not as good as a breeder... the thing is he has a few breeds that are really hard to find and you can order chicks instead of...
  18. heritagehabitatfarms

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    can we see the Pic's???
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