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  1. CoturnixComplex

    I’m back, new eggs on the way!!!

    Yayyy!!! See, lucky bug, mine will be at day 17 on Tuesday and I guarantee I don't get a pip until Thursday. Most post pictures when they start to stick their little faces out!
  2. CoturnixComplex

    I’m back, new eggs on the way!!!

    Do NOT stress, I have always had late and way spread out hatches. Feel free to take a stethoscope to them to calm your nerves but dont panic until at least day 20!
  3. CoturnixComplex

    I’m back, new eggs on the way!!!

    That is WILD! I love our cameras, we catch all sorts of nutty things too. Sorry about your roo though :( Unfortunately she was a victim of The Great Bear Feast, after which I had to rebuild from eggs only. I incubated three blue eggs, but only one hatched. Congrats on the eggs!!! KC is where...
  4. CoturnixComplex

    I’m back, new eggs on the way!!!

    I have one hen heterozygous for celadon right now. Been holding on to her just debating about how much work it will be to get it to express (a lot) in future generations. I lucked out on her mom from local farmer but then she got eaten :hit
  5. CoturnixComplex

    I’m back, new eggs on the way!!!

    There are a few hatcheries that sell celadon. I think KC farms, Old world quail, and Myshire do too. I don't think the blue inner lining is related to the outside shell color expression but I could be totally wrong; you probably emailed the person who would know best, I'd be interested to hear...
  6. CoturnixComplex

    I’m back, new eggs on the way!!!

    If you can find one, a 40 gallon breeder tank will give you the most floorspace for your buck :) Get one of those metal reptile screen tops and you'll be set!
  7. CoturnixComplex

    I’m back, new eggs on the way!!!

    Thank you! I am an obsessive collector and genetics nerd so I am doing some work to map some genes that aren't very well understood right now. :D I do love the site, as you can see from the unreasonable number of posts in that short time :oops: Full of awesome people doing all sorts of...
  8. CoturnixComplex

    I’m back, new eggs on the way!!!

    Fancy colors invariably have a restricting effect on the growth of coturnix. If you want THE BEST meat birds possible - stick to wild-type jumbo browns/meat maker types. Even A&Ms will have restricted growth in comparison. I have lots of colors because a bantam/standard sized flock works...
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