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  1. Brooks_

    Coffee Club

    Merry Christmas everyone. I hope the day brings you everything you want.
  2. Brooks_

    Coffee Club

    It appears Santa likes summer sausage. Went to bed with a perfectly intact sausage...wake up to some wrapper piece on the counter and half of it gone.:lau
  3. Brooks_

    Coffee Club

    Thank you. Looking forward to a great day tomorrow. Family, food, and beverage. The chickens will get extra treats and extra free time. Forecast is mid 70's and sunny. It's gonna be a good day! Merry Christmas to all.
  4. Brooks_

    Coffee Club

    Saw the thread title and boom in my head....@#$%, I forgot coffee! Not going back out....looks like we're having one of the sale ones (nope, just the one) that weren't that great. Glad I saved them in the freezer
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