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  1. Vampiric_Conure

    Coffee Club

    Gooooooood Morning, SIlver! **Yawns** I think I'm ready for some hot tea today. :) (No coffee until the 28th. BUmmer :P )
  2. Vampiric_Conure

    Coffee Club

    Gooooooood afternoon birdy lovers! It is a beautiful 2 C (35.6 F) here in winnipeg, manitoba, canada today! The ice is melting, making a mess of everything. It's so sloppy out in the back of the apartment that I don't dare bring out the garbages and recycling for fear of falling on my butt...
  3. Vampiric_Conure

    Coffee Club

    GOOOOOD Morning everybirdy (Or good Timezone, wherever you are!) Thanks for the coffee, Sour :D .
  4. Vampiric_Conure

    Coffee Club

    Good morning/Good Timezone people! Coffee is hot and the day warm out here in Southern Manitoba! Just finished a quail eggs sandwich. Delicious brekkie!
  5. Vampiric_Conure

    Coffee Club

    Goooooooood Morning/Timezone everybirdy :) Hope your coffee is hot, the birds happy and the day warm!
  6. Vampiric_Conure

    Coffee Club

    Thanks for the Coffee everybirdy! SOunds like all of us are having a great day to some level or another :D.
  7. Vampiric_Conure

    Coffee Club

    GOOOOD MORNING (or Timezone :) ) PEEPS! Hope your days are going well and the day is comfortable and the coffee plentiful :D
  8. Vampiric_Conure

    Coffee Club

    GOOOD Timezone to all my peeps! I'm cooking a lazy lentil soup and I've got water boiled for tea :) Hope your day is going well!! (and it's -25C (-13 F) right now. Brrrrr)
  9. Vampiric_Conure

    Coffee Club

    LOL! Indeed! :D
  10. Vampiric_Conure

    Coffee Club

    We have an extreme wind chill warning here in SOuthern Manitoba. Feels like -50C (-58F). Brrrr... freezing my fingers off just thinking about it!
  11. Vampiric_Conure

    Coffee Club

    Goooooood morning everybirdy! It's actually warmed up a lot overnight. Right now it's -19*C (-2.2*F) and it feels balmy compared to yesterday's low, LOL! Hope the coffee is hot and the PJ's toasty!
  12. Vampiric_Conure

    Coffee Club

    Wow... and I thought it was cold up here! **Passes the pot of hot coffee**
  13. Vampiric_Conure

    Coffee Club

    Gooooood morning everybirdy! May your day be happy, the coffee plentiful and the chickens friendly!
  14. Vampiric_Conure

    Coffee Club

    I'mma going to have my Christmas mug of hot caffeine after I wake up... or I may wait until I go to my parent's place :) Either way, I will have my coffee on this day!
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