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  1. FlyWheel

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    OK I went to clean the chicken's trays and collect any eggs and came across what looks like it might be a new one sitting in one of the trays. It's a brown egg, darker than most that my birds usually lay. However 'Ol Red (my PR) has produced a few dark ones in her days. Here's a picture of the...
  2. FlyWheel

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    I was just about to say "Look out, that 'coon is back..." 4 blue eggs in 24 hours. Since I have only one hen that I KNOW lays blue that means at least one of them is new. WHICH one(s?) is anybody's guess.
  3. FlyWheel

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Thanks for the tip! Now, can you tell us how to know which hen is laying which eggs? With my April batch it was easy because they started laying while I was spending much of the day building their new coop. Not the case with my August birds...
  4. FlyWheel

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Oh, Man! And I thought Braveheart's eggs were pink! That could have been painted by Peter Max!
  5. FlyWheel

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    I think I may know who is laying the new blue eggs! I was in the coop today finishing off the new cabinet lid, the hens all roaming around me, squawking and pecking as they usually do, and I reached out to pet Smokey. Well instead of running away like they all usually do she squatted down, wings...
  6. FlyWheel

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    My goodness! Either you have really small hands or your chickens are half goose. Those are HUGE! Especially that blue one.
  7. FlyWheel

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    I think this is a first egg from one of my August chicks (not sure which one). The only one of my April hens that lays a colored egg is Muffins, and hers are a bit bigger and more greenish. I won't be sure until I see one of hers alongside though. The August flock are all around 24-25 weeks...
  8. FlyWheel

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Last time I got an egg that big there was another egg inside it. And I'm not talking about a second yolk, but an entire egg; yolk, albumen, shell, the whole ten yards.
  9. FlyWheel

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Based solely on it's green color I'm going to guess she is an Easter Egger. Unless there is some other "breed"* that lays green eggs? *(and yes, I know EEs aren't a breed, hence the double quotes.)
  10. FlyWheel

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    "Autumn olives"?
  11. FlyWheel

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    My goodness, either you have very small hands or that thing is HUGE! If that's just her first egg....
  12. FlyWheel

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    :barnieOH NO! There was a tiny new color egg in the nesting box. I really hope it wasn't Robin's, because it was cream WHITE! I wait for 5 months and all I end up with is ONE colored egg layer? :hit
  13. FlyWheel

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Mystery solved! They finally all decided to lay on the same day. Four distinctly different eggs. That just leaves Robin Please be blue, please be blue, please be blue...
  14. FlyWheel

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Your speckled hen lays speckled eggs! That's kewl.
  15. FlyWheel

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Braveheart is laying! The little chick that ran up and jumped into my hand at the feed store and was always the first to try anything new. Well, she wasn't the first to lay, and although she is definitely an Easter Egger when she got out of the nest it seems she doesn't lay green OR blue eggs...
  16. FlyWheel

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Good thing you put in that second pic, I was about to ask how you got your hen to lay grey eggs!
  17. FlyWheel

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Especially when you have colored layers like EEs I have never had so much fun collecting eggs!
  18. FlyWheel

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Glinda's turn! I'm pretty sure it's hers, because the other two pullets who have yet to lay are both Easter Eggers and the only other hen's currently laying are Muffins (also an EE, lays a green egg) and 'Ol Red, My Production Red who's egg is on the right for comparison.
  19. FlyWheel

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Muffins laid her second. I'm 99% sure it was her now because when I went to pet her she squatted for me. They're still small, about 30% smaller that Ol Red's, but she's still learning. This is fun.
  20. FlyWheel

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Actually, I did exactly that just today. I think I may have found out who layed that first Celeste colored egg! I reached into the coop to check for any eggs and there was Muffins sitting calmly in one corner! I guess I was right about that red comb she has been sporting for the last week or so...
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