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  1. ron8072

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Keep them with oyster shell and feed them 22% protein for a time. Eggs will get larger. Much larger! Have a good time with them.
  2. ron8072

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Why do you think they have to sing their egg song? I believe the words to that song run along the lines of "Can you believe I laid something that HUGE!" I laugh every time my hens lay and sing. It is hilarious.
  3. ron8072

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    I have several versions of French Copper Marans. Too many roosters. I finally separated the almost white versions into my other coop and run, Then culled about 6 roos, at about 5 months. Got 2 more to go so I will end up white versions 3 hens and 1 Roo. i think they are called splash Marans...
  4. ron8072

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Maybe so. The woman I bought them from claimed they were 13 when I got them. Two weeks later, I started getting eggs. Now, 2 months later I have ten babies to deal with. Hope they are big enough to weather the cold which starts usually in late November.
  5. ron8072

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    You probably know way more than me but my leghorns started laying at 15 weeks or so. My RIR's waited until week 19. Small eggs at first, large now. Nearly extra large. Mine devour all the oyster shells I provide along with the layer pellets. If they had their way, they would only eat grubs...
  6. ron8072

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Outstanding! Will try to breed some of those Blues next spring. If I can find some then. Just for fun, the Blue is the darker egg in the middle?
  7. ron8072

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    No matter the end color or breed, they are the funniest things I have ever had the pleasure to take care of. Thanks. I will add a couple of pics later.
  8. ron8072

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    No matter the end color or breed, they are the funniest things I have ever had the pleasure to take care of. Thanks. I will add a couple of pics later.
  9. ron8072

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Awesome! I have got to get me some Easter Eggers! I may have a couple since my ten of twenty that hatched are yellow! I don't have any yellow chickens. RIR's, leghorns, domineckers. I am bumfuzzled!
  10. ron8072

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Well, I suppose that is as good an explanation as any of why they sing the "Egg Song"! Outstanding for sure!
  11. ron8072

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    "Chicken tv"!!! BWAHHAHHA! So funny! Great you are finally getting eggs. MIne started laying about a month ago. Getting 4-7 eggs daily now.
  12. ron8072

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Do you have some crushed oyster shell handy for the ladies? Add a couple of crushed tums as well. Then chill yourself. It will happen!
  13. ron8072

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Congrats! I am getting 4 most days and 6 some days. 11 hens and 2 roosters! Enough that I am going to begin dating them with a sharpie. Seems like, even if refrigerated, you have 30 days to consume them. Since I am nearing the 30 day since mine started laying, I need to do that. Good...
  14. ron8072

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Chuck is da man! LOL! Is it a big egg?
  15. ron8072

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Will try to post individual pics of my hens tomorrow. Not sure my huge fat twins are White leghorns. Someone with more knowledge than I will have to determine the breed.
  16. ron8072

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Are your leghorns really large, as in turkey large? Are the eggs beige? or white?
  17. ron8072

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    I feel your pain. I have two turkey sized white hens that are laying small beige eggs! Chickens are a wonder!
  18. ron8072

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    WOW! I have since gotten more each day, it seems. Yesterday, got 6 and got 5 today. One egg was misshapen, kind of flat and bubbly on one side. But they are cranking up well. I am known for my impatience. Thanks for the advice, Ol Grey Mare!
  19. ron8072

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Congratulate your hen! Great job! I have gotten 8 eggs in the first week after the first egg. Is it strange that all are not laying? I should have many more than 8, shouldn't I? 7 white eggs, regular or small size. 1 beige egg. I have 5 small white hens, 2 RIR, Production hens, I think...
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